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Management 2.0

Human Challenges | /Human Resources | December 22, 05:41 AM PST | By vseubert

It is really worth observing the research that Gary Hamel is doing. In 2007 I wrote about what he calls “Management Innovation” and connected his findings to Enterprise 2.0. Shortly afterwards he published his book Future of Management. ...

JavaFX Amps Up Social Networking Products At LodgO...

Reviews Interactive | /Expert Interviews | December 22, 05:03 AM PST | By chhandomay

Reviews Interactive recently spoke with Wim De Munck and Johan Vos of LodgON discussing how the company is using JavaFX to deliver social networking products and services to clients. Both Wim and Johan were early Java pioneers who became interested in...

All Videos posted: Sun HPC Consortium Portland

Sun HPC Watercooler | /HPC Article of the Day | December 22, 05:00 AM PST | By Rich Brueckner

I have been busy editing for the past month, and now I am happy to report that all the presentation videos from the recent Sun HPC Consortium have been posted. There were some excellent talks this year, so here is your chance to catch up on the latest HPC...

Sun HPC Powers Sandia Red Sky

Sun HPC Watercooler | /HPC Article of the Day | December 22, 05:00 AM PST | By Rich Brueckner

The new high-performance computer at the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories is listed by Top500 Supercomputer Sites as the 10th fastest computer in the world. A project of this complexity and ambition requires a close partnership with...

Microprocessadores de 48 núcleos... O que vem depo...

Bob Porras' Blog | /Sun | December 22, 03:59 AM PST | By Jun-Hui Paul Duan

A Intel produziu uma jóia com o microprocessador Nehalem . Ainda que a arquitetura atual limite o chip a oito núcleos de processamento, a Intel continua fazendo pesquisas e avançando no seu desenvolvimento com ideias muito mais ambiciosas. As...

O SO Chrome não é mais uma distribuição do Linux?

Bob Porras' Blog | /Sun | December 22, 03:59 AM PST | By Jun-Hui Paul Duan

O Google lançou a base de códigos abertos do SO Chrome no dia 19 de novembro de 2009.  Os primeiros netbooks com o SO Chrome só deverão ser disponibilizados dentro de, pelo menos, um ano.  Essa variante simplificada do Linux tem alguns recursos...

Produtos de infraestrutura de TI, parcerias e para...

Bob Porras' Blog | /Sun | December 22, 03:58 AM PST | By Jun-Hui Paul Duan

Ultimamente estão surgindo cada vez mais anúncios relativos à tecnologia de infraestrutura integrada.  Vários fornecedores que oferecem hardware de infraestrutura para computadores, armazenamento e rede estão fazendo parcerias entre si ou buscando uma...

Um Time Capsule para a empresa?

Bob Porras' Blog | /Sun | December 22, 03:56 AM PST | By Jun-Hui Paul Duan

No Halloween, atualizei o PC do Windows XP para o Windows 7.  Em meio às várias reinicializações, instalações de aplicativos, recuperação de e-mails, configurações do servidor de impressão etc., minha mulher perguntou "Por que isso tem que ser...

48 核微处理器... 接下来会是什么? - 量子计算?

Bob Porras' Blog | /Sun | December 22, 03:55 AM PST | By Jun-Hui Paul Duan

英特尔通过 Nehalem 微处理器推出了一个先进的架构。尽管该架构现在将芯片限制在 8 个处理内核,但是英特尔凭借更为大胆的想法正在研制更先进的微处理器。业内一些人构想的 48 核处理器(见左图)可以在一天内扩展到 100 多个内核,这种想法很吸引人。过去我进行大型 SMP 服务器开发时,单核时钟频率是推动计算性能提升的主要因素。然后,正如所料,进入二十一世纪后的几年中,技术发展开始受到自然法则的限制。提高时钟频率不 可行了。但是扩展问题现在可以通过构建多核架构解决了。换句话说,在单个可供软件寻址的...

48 コアのマイクロプロセッサ...次は何 ? 量子コンピューティング ?

Bob Porras' Blog | /Sun | December 22, 03:54 AM PST | By Jun-Hui Paul Duan

Intel は Nehalem マイクロプロセッサで優れた技術を見せました。現在のアーキテクチャー上、チップの処理コアは 8 つが上限ですが、Intel はこれよりも大きなビジョンを抱きながら研究開発を進めています。業界の一部の人は、48 コアのプロセッサ (左の写真参照) を 100 以上のコアにスケールできると考えていますが、非常に印象的です。以前、私が巨大な SMP サーバーの導入をしていたときは、シングルコアのクロック速度が計算能力を決定する大きな要因でした。その後、予測されていたとおり、21 ...

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