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Metal Gear Solid 4

Undoubted genius - but the conclusion makes us sad for all the wrong reasons
MGS4 is a masterpiece, arguably the best in the series and - though many will fiercely disagree - ever so slightly disappointing.

About 40% through, our notepad was scarred with breathless superlatives like 'Genius', 'Amazing' and 'Wow!!!' but by the game's conclusion, they'd given way to considered criticism and stark cries of 'WTF?'. Will you enjoy it? Yes, definitely, but while most hardcore fans will adore it, a tiny minority may be left slightly deflated by the weight of their expectations, despite the game's unarguable quality.

First, a disclaimer: this isn't a 'standard' review. Kojima Productions are so obsessed with spoilers, there's a two page document outlining what we can't say, covering basic plot developments, plus a bullet-point list of forbidden items. Restrictive? Certainly, so excuse the lack of detail. There's also insufficient room, or merit, in explaining control nuances, or button presses - refer to one of the hundreds of online previews, or Side B of our DVD for specifics. Note that we've finished MGS4 twice: once on 95% complete code in Japan (see PSM100), and again on retail code - trust us, no one's played it more.

Oddly, we liked it more second time around - cut-scenes we initially hated reveal self-referential depth that borders on third-level genius. Or perhaps we're over-thinking it. And that's MGS4's triumph - the game is so layered, the question isn't whether you should buy it, but how you'll debate it when the credits finally roll on gaming's most philosophical, frustrating and inspired series.

MGS4 operates on so many levels, it's easy to forget the dumbest of all - as a beautiful-looking, gung-ho shoot-'em-up. On one hand, it's a game where a likeable, ageing soldier shoots countless enemies in some of the most exciting console action sequences ever; on the other, a meditation on war, society, politics, technology and, well, everything.

A heated debate
The game' so rich and contentious, we've had five separate 30-minute discussions about MGS4's merits and failings. One journalist, who played the game stone-faced, turned around at the end and blurted "I think it's amazing|, waxing lyrical about how Producer Hideo Kojima is the master of the medium, and how all talk of Kojima being a frustrated film director is rubbish. Another reviewer, a former film student who'd studied scriptwriting, tore into the wasteful dialogue, despite conceding the game's overall quality. Another, like us, was mumbling about giving the game a perfect '10' for two days, but was so incensed by the final act, he wanted to slash the score and physically confront Kojima.

Our problem? The game doesn't conclude on an emotional swell, but fades out in a way that makes the 'Gandalf on a boat' finale to Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King look like flash-frame editing. Some themes from the early trailers - like Snake choking on his pistol, aren't fully developed, and appear almost in obligation. Kojima has to resolve too many character arcs and plot threads, so the conclusion feels like it's happening around you, rather than through you. Given that it's the last chapter in our favourite game series ever, we expected to be moved to tears - but it's got far less impact than, say, the intensely personal, shocking ending of Half Life: Episode 2.

MGS4, as ever, is mired in huge cut-scenes - you can skip or fast-forward them, but that's missing the point. You want to know what's going on, but don't want to endure clumsy scripting, or needless exposition. MGS4 could be hours shorter, and be considerably better for it. While we adore Kojima's unflinching vision, and attention to detail, if someone had bravely asked him to edit more carefully, we wouldn't be talking about MGS4 as a contentious masterpiece, but the greatest game ever. More confusingly, it might be just that - but only time will reveal its depths, or place its eccentricity in context.

Damn, maybe that is MGS4's genius - its uncompromising peaks and troughs, tied to a level of self-awareness that verges on brilliance. Some of its overarching themes are that of power, responsibility and corruption; which could be read as a veiled confession that Kojima - with a position of almost unparalleled creativity in the games industry - is wilfully abusing his power, but mindful of doing so.

European union
Typically, the game you expect - of Snake battling side-by-side with Militia/PMCs - ceases to exist a third into the plot. It apexes with an assault on a Power Station in South America (with you sniping distant PMCs and firing RPGs at enemy choppers), then, suddenly, it's gone. After a sequence of three or four epic, breathless, set pieces that perfect everything MGS3 set out to achieve, the game downshifts into Europe with a stunning return to core MGS values. We can't reveal where it goes from there - diehard fans could guess - but, let's say, one nostalgic moment is perfectly handled, you get to live out a fantasy and your deadliest foes aren't PMCs, but robot bowling balls.

Sadly, after South America, the game ceases to flow, and instead becomes a staccato showreel of bite-sized gameplay chunks, glued together by mammoth cut-scenes. The components are impeccable - and the game does return to relatively seamless action - but the disconnection is somewhat jarring. You end up shunted between locations and gameplay styles in a fashion that betrays everything the epic five-minute ladder climb in MGS3 set out to achieve in terms of pacing, continuity and scale.

The core sneaking/shooting mechanics are relatively intuitive, but fiddly for newcomers, and abruptly introduced. It isn't until about six hours in that you feel any mastery, and in our first two completions, we largely neglected stealth and the variety of sleeping gas mines, evasion items (like sexy magazines) and the remote-control Mk II. When you finish the game, you're awarded ranks like 'Pig' (for using multiple health items), but, tellingly, we've only unlocked six of the 40. The ultimate reward is for finishing the game with no kills, tripping only three alerts. When you consider we killed 518 people, tripping 110 alerts on our second completion, you begin to understand the game's gargantuan scale and depth.

The PMC/Militia side-switching dynamic works well, but changing allegiance is as simple as who you shot last. The weapon customisation is superb - just adding a Grip to your M4 makes a dramatic improvement to stability. The later weapons - again, protected by spoilers - are immensely satisfying, reducing once-impossible battles to one-shot takedowns. Finish the game, and you'll unlock even more amazing weapons - including some very special tranquilizer darts.

Boss loss
It's easier than MGS3, with some disappointingly literal, if atmospheric, early boss battles. Despite some incredible use of sound, and cute touches, the first encounter with Laughing Octopus is an elaborate shoot-'em-up. There's nothing to rival the scale, or invention of, say, the battles with The End or The Sorrow in MGS3. Two climactic scraps come close - the last is especially thrilling, for reasons that'll become clear - but we'd have appreciated more oblique solutions, or ingenious shortcuts.

Still, with a game this exceptional, it feels like criticising the Venus de Milo for having no arms. The mechanics are fine-tuned to perfection (bar the wonky auto lock-on), the production values are unprecedented (the intro movie is stunning, while certain 'on-rails' sections made our skin prickle with sheer cinematic glee) and the story sporadically leaves you reeling, or hanging on every word. The frustration - and it bites harder given the breathless pace of earlier scenes - is that all the brilliant gameplay, plotting, philosophy and detail gets swamped in the 'noise' of unnecessary content. For every killer line, there's ten of filler, and the conclusion feels like an "Oh, and another thing..." fan-pleasing trawl, rather than the bold finale we hoped for.

The last rites
By the end, it's like Hideo Kojima is writing from his deathbed and insisting the notes be published unedited. To its credit, the game touches on the most important themes of human existence - not a claim you could level at Saints Row 2 - but would benefit from stern self-inspection and bolder choices. Kojima hinted that the game's original ending was vetoed by staff members, but we suspect it was truer to his original vision. The 'new' ending suffers under the obligation of tying up all the loose ends, and some needless indulgence.

The most anticipated game in history isn't perfect. It isn't even as good as we hoped . But... we wanted it to be the Best Game Ever, and anything less was always going to be a comedown. Truth is, if we've reduced your expectations, if not made you a little sad about MGS4: good. No game could survive such a hideous weight of expectation. MGS4's final judgement won't - or rather, can't - be passed today, by knee-jerk critics or fans, but by history. When Hideo Kojima is no longer around to make games of this calibre, then this wilfully rambling, frustratingly piecemeal, lovingly crafted, rallying cry for 'hardcore' games, will receive the inspection, and potential reverence, it deserves. It's at once forward-looking and nostalgic. And endings don't come much finer than that.

As MGS's biggest fans, if we owe the series anything, it's unburdening it from the weight of expectation and our own hype. Nothing, nothing, would make us happier than being told we're wrong - in fact, we're resenting our gut reaction as we type, and keen to finish it again despite all our minor grievances - but either way, it's a journey we implore every gamer to take, regardless of their feelings for the series - because while the destination won't be to everyone's taste, the route is paved with gold. Damn. Now we're sad.

PSM3 Magazine
// Overview
Overall A richly-layered masterpiece but resolving the series' epic history takes its emotional toll.
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// Interactive
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Posted by Flaming Scotsman
Finally! A game worth buying a PS3 for!

Even though the review said it doesn't quite live up to the hype, I think that's understandable. No game truly lives up to it's hype. Just look at Halo 3 and Haze.
Posted by DaRockwilder1
I haven’t enjoyed any of the MGS games but all these good reviews are tempting me. :?
Posted by mfnick
Just remember all the others got high reviews too & you didnt like them.

I for one am getting qjuite excited about this. I really enjoyed the others in the series even if I dont think they are some of the best games I ever played.

One more exclusive like this Sony & I will re-buy your console. Anyone know when Disgaea 3 is out?
Posted by philgreaaaaaaaat
I'm confused, can someone explain to me how a 9.5 rated game can be slightly dissapointing?

Unless CVG's reviews go one louder perhaps?

Posted by StonecoldMC
I reckon ill be buying a PS3 very shortly.

One thing though that ive noticed with the majority of the reviews ive read for MGS4 is that the reviewers are generally massive fans of the game and are "hyped" for it big time, which is probably good as they are fans they would let us know if the game was shit, but I want to know how the game plays from a non mega fan is as thats how I see myself, played through 1 & 2 a long, long time ago but havent been back since.

Will I be able to get it?
Posted by Vyvrtka
*checking calendar*

Posted by _Marty_
LOL - gotta love Spinal Tap :)


and this

seem to be the points than many people have concerns over. And I've read so much on MGS4 now that I'm of the conclusion that this is the very thing that some love (or hate) about the series.

Still, the point they make about had someone told him to make some tighter editing this would have been the greatest game ever is jarring - why wasn't this done?
Posted by Mark240473
I'm in a similar boat, matey. I have heard that there are enough regferences to past games to help newbies keep up with the story. And being able to play the game as a shooter or stealth-em-up is inspired.
Posted by Zedfragg
lol It's disappointing because they expected it to be a solid 10.0 game.
Get it?...Saying a 9.5 rated game is disappointing says it all, I have no doubt this'll be a good game...maybe even great but I have a gut feeling somethings not right...

And I expect a "Directors Cut" in 6 months
Posted by Mogs
I'd mark it down just because of the restrictions they placed on what you are allowed to talk about. They'd deserve any lost revenue it caused.
Posted by Flaming Scotsman
The quote up at the top is worrying me slightly. Anyone who played the mega-disappointing MGS2 will know that this was the very problem which almost ruined the game. You would get around 3 minutes of gameplay, then you would have to sit through an hour-long cutscene. To top things off, the cutscenes would be boring as sin (unless you enjoy having your girlfriend moan at you for forgetting her birthday).

I hope to God this isn't the case for a large portion of the game. MGS3 had a lot of cutscenes, sure, but it also let you play for about an hour solid in between them, so nobody really cared.

As for the ending of MGS4, the "tighter" ending was apparently ditched by the development team. Kojima wanted it in, but they didn't. I can't wait to see this ending for myself. It would be a shame if, at teh end of this brilliant series, it would go out with a whimper rather than a bang.
Posted by Zedfragg
I agree with you, but at the same time it kinda makes sense from Kojima's point of view...

Would you want your would-be blockbuster hit having spoilers released?
I think he wants it to be a total suprise but yes your right lol
Posted by Bearskopff
What a brilliant, heart-felt review. Metal Gear has been an excellent series throughout and once I've played through the fourth installment I know that were never going to see anything like it again in the games medium.

To keep a high calibre all the way to MGS3 was an achievement in itself and now with MGS4 only days away it's really going to feel like the end of an era.
Posted by Zedfragg
I didn't find MGS2 that disappointing....
I got quite into the games story...
Although yeah that whole girlfriend b****in' at Raiden was annoying...
Rose was the worst character...Worse than raiden! (Who I quite liked)
Posted by Flaming Scotsman
Completely agree about the review. I got the impression that the reviewer really loved the series, but still had the courage to point out the game's flaws. More reviews like this please!

I know! Every 5 minutes a CODEC conversation about her favourite flower, or where they first met! Completely unnecessary!
Posted by bmaindj
This is a title PS3 has been waiting for and im excited about it, sure its not perfect but nothing ever is, hopefully MGOnline will keep my interest after i've played the main game also.

But to be fair I didnt really like the beta but hopefully it'll be a bit better once the full title launches!
Posted by kreemi
man. why dont you just not buy it on release, and read through an entire guide online instead.. jees.

spoilers are the worst. especially review spoilers. (and DVD menu video spoilers grr) did you not go and see cloverfield cause it didnt reveal the monster in the trailer??

rant over.

im just glad my bro bought a PS3 cause this is the only game on that format im interested in.
Posted by ZhuYuanDa
'Wrong time of the month'? :shock: :!:
Posted by roger4000
after just completing mgs2 (nice crisp graphics)and mgs3 (fussy horrible graphics) for the second time, i have to say i am really looking forward to this (mostly for the HD) but the cut scenes and pointless bits of conversation each time you save etc drive you insane. i don't want to be tempted to skip them but i can almost feel my finger heading for the X button now! :cry:
Posted by Suivaloom
Wow! I expected CVG to give the game a 9.2 or something and be all cynical but 9.5 wow that is amazing considering the reported mass of cut-scene's.

But respect to CVG as they say this is their favourite game series ever and it is mine too (they've got good taste) and a PS3 will be sitting in my bedroom next week!

There is absolutely nothing like MGS. It is unique from all the games out there and this seems like the pinnacle of the series so I advise newcomers to give it a go.

Posted by _Marty_
That was my only issue with Shenmue II as well. After hours and hours of utterly brilliant game, it actually finishes with you running through a forest with some chick, finding a cave, and finding a sword in it. Also, the revelation that Shenmue was the name of a tree... Anyone else slightly disappointed with that ending? :)
Posted by lmimmfn
i agree with you there, i was a huge MGS fan, the MGS2 story was pants making the cutscenes totally irrelevant, thankfully MGS3 put the game back on track, but whats mentioned in the review makes me think MGS 2, do something for 30 seconds->5 minute clip, 10 seconds gameplay->2 minute clip, drove me nuts at the end of MGS2

MGS4 sounds good gameplay wise, but all that movie stuff will definately take away from overall perceptions of the game. I guess replaying it will be like trying to replay FF10 and hoping to enjoy the story again but having to listen to drivel 90% of the time with good story arcs the remaining 10% of the time

It also sounds like the conclusion is disappointing for fans, they probably left it open for a sequel or something

If they redid MGS1 for the PS3 id buy a PS3 tomorrow, but i wouldnt for MGS4, im respecting the genius that is MGS1
Posted by Mappman
I played the first two, but I've never been a fan of the series myself.

It does look like an epic game though, and the graphics are very nice too (if a little bit too "brown"). It wouldn't persuade me to buy a PS3, but if exclusive games of this standard become the norm on the format I could be tempted in the future.

Even just slightly disappointing games receiving over 9 still makes me laugh, although I can understand that in this case their disappointment comes more from ridiculously high expectations. It makes more sense than the reviews of GTA4, where actual flaws in gameplay and graphics still didn't stop it getting perfects 10's all over the place.
Posted by Suivaloom
MGS1 was a masterpiece, totally different at the time.

MGS2 was a great game but a let down considering how good the first one was on an older console.

MGS3 was a great game and better than MGS2 but I will be replaying this shortly to get into the mood for the new one...and if they say MGS4 is the best of the series we are in for some treat, as I believe this time they have added depth to the game dynamic as well as better set pieces, sound and graphics. It could be said the stealth mechanics in 1 and 2 lacked depth.
Posted by benzino06
Hell yeah!! even more so as it seems it'll be the last game in the series :(
Posted by Xdwardo
I would love to get this game i think, but i'm only half way through GTA :evil: I think i'll wait till i get that finished before I buy..

By the time I get MGS4 finished Star Wars and Fifa will be just around the corner :twisted:
Posted by English Shmuppet
May just have to make this my first Metal Gear game.
Posted by ZhuYuanDa
You are being a bit kind on it there to describe it as an ending! ...although technically that is what it appears to be :(
Posted by _Marty_

How can so many people want a sequel to a game, and yet one not get made? There's no justice in the world.

As evidenced by the millions of games/movies that DO get sequels that nobody wants...
Posted by evilfoxhound
Seems like a fair enough review.

I'm glad CGV didn't mark it down just to score hits from the controversy. Like a certain other review site :lol: (Begins with Euro and ends with.... Well, you get it LOL)
Posted by Vyvrtka
Nah, just the June 12th is still too far away.
Posted by benzino06
Cause Sega poured MILLIONS into the series and it was a total commerical flop. I believe it was the most expensive game ever made for a number of years too.
Posted by distant2nd
I can't wait for MGS4 to come out just to see how it actually does on the market. We can finally get past the uber-hyped up games stage. MGS4 = Jesus?

Posted by Suivaloom
I don't think it was necessarily hyped up more than other big games, just the fact that it was a high profile game that has been in development for about 5 YEARS :shock:

Imagine Halo 3 was in development for a similar time, it would be hyped to shit!
Posted by Mark240473
Halo 3 was 'hyped to shit'. And due to the hype I didn't enjoy Halo 3 like I thought I was going to do. Strangely, since the hype has died for the game, I have gone back to Halo 3 and enjoyed it a lot. Odd.

For that reason I am going into MGS4 with the attitude that it is going to be a decent game and not the 2nd coming. At least that way I won't be disappointed.
Posted by Gaz Vonhammer
I vowed never to post here again until I found this isn't C&VG review.
It's exactly the same word for word as gamesradar and written by Daniel Dawkins, yet here it was mike jackson who wrote this. But whats even stranger os that the gamesradar review was by psm3.

Posted by _Marty_
Hmm.... That's kinda shit.
Posted by mfnick
CVG - this is a pretty new low guys. You normaly put the magazine logo at the top of features/reviews so why not this one? Claiming other peoples work as your own is a disgrace. This along with your Daily Mail style headlines & constant fanboy baiting are causing the site to really lose a lot of respect
Posted by philgreaaaaaaaat
Poor, poor 'journalism'. Oh no wait a minute, the word i'm searching for is plagiarism isn't it, unless everyone was in on it then it's just deception.

Posted by gothchild
The first exclusive killer app for PS3!

But it's still a long way from persuading me to shell out for one.
Posted by Mark240473
The sad fact is that if this was a lesser game being reviewed, then nobody would bat an eyelid. Because it is MGS4, on the PS3, then the smallest things get analyzed. Get a life people. CVG is Gamesradar. We all know this. They are allowed to use the same review because they are the same company.

Posted by ZhuYuanDa
You can't argue against Shenmue being a commercial flop, however the original sold around 1.2m, one of only 6 DC games to pass 1 million sales. Think how that could convert to sales with on a console with a bigger user base.

The costs talked about are misleading (although technically correct) and a third installment would surely have a better chance of making a profit in my opinion
Posted by mfnick
Ive no problem with them using the same review as I know they come under the same company, however they are not giving the writer of the review the credit:

Look now though, & its been changed. CVG were trying to pass this off as their work. Plus they always put the magazine's logo at the top of the page from where they copy it. Not their own. So why didnt they place the PSM3 logo there?

Its wrong because they are claiming someone elses work. & yes I would have been just as bothered if I find out they did it with a lesser game. Although I doubt anyone would have noticed.
Posted by ZhuYuanDa
Ive no problem with them using the same review as I know they come under the same company, however they are not giving the writer of the review the credit:

I have the last 2 exams of my finals at uni in the next couple of days...maybe i should use this method of writing
Posted by The_Truth
A great review, can't wait for this. Well actually sadly I can, as I'm planning on getting the big 'subsistencesque' rerelease that seems like a sure bet in a few months time. Or at least it better be. :x
Posted by StonecoldMC
Eagle eyed viewer here. That was a good spot, another review from a journo with a vested interest in the success of the game.

Anyone got a link to an impartial review where they arent being paid by Sony or have a economic interest in the game?
Posted by AmhrannabhFiann
Hem Hem this isn't a CVG review as such it's from PSM3 with CVG's name tacked on top of it as already pointed out. I think that 95% shows that this is an amazing game but Dan just wanted to point out some of the problems eventhough this is a fantastic game overall. I don't know why people are worried about the legal restrictions. It wouldn't be getting such conistantly high scores otherwise. It's just to stop the plot being leaked and spoiled for people.
Posted by cykosis
Loved MGS 1 & 2 but somehow I felt 3 had lost the plot. Can't wait for this one! I've been avoiding all reviews in case of spoilers and the 7 days wait is killing me... only £35 at Asda pre-order :)
Posted by dahsif

Why is this the exact same review I read this morning on GAMESRADAR? and more importantly, WHY ARE THE SCORES DIFFERENT?!!! Same review=> different scores!!??

Also, I'm glad they're not allowed to post spoilers, I'm actually glad I can read reviews without having the plot ruined for me!

Edit: damn; beaten.
Posted by gogo65uk
I got to be careful what I say here I guess because I don't want a re-run of what happened yesterday because some... people got their panties in a bunch. But how can GTA get a perfect 10 when it had tons of bugs and was pretty repetetive. I'm not saying mgs4 deserves more I'll get it even if it had scored a 5, but as for GTA I think 10 was way too generous it deserved a 9+ yes but not 10. Anyway its just my thought on it. Peace all
Posted by AmhrannabhFiann
The official score from the mag is 95%.
Posted by Suivaloom
I don't know why this is such an issue. CVG always use the reviews of their sister mags don't they.

The review's of GTA4 and Halo 3 used magazine reviews, this is no different.
Posted by Hypercane94
Kojima hasn't confirmed that MGS4 is the end of the series has he? :wink:
Posted by madrandall
spot on review......just spot on.
Posted by keyser7
It seems like Playstation magazines are very forgiving of Metal Gear's flaws. The horrible controls of MGS3 made it unplayable for me and the over-long cut scenes that nearly everyone complains about never seem to affect the score. It's almost like they say "well it's MGS, it has to have long cut scenes"

I just wonder if the complaints in this review came from a more impartial source, would we see a lower score?
Posted by Mappman
Probably not. There seems to be a number of franchises (GTA, Mario's platform games, Halo) that can suffer significant errors or poor design features, and not have it effect the overall rating.

This is all the more frustrating when the reviewer has even made a point of noting such issues and then just ignores them by slapping a 9 or 10 on a game.

I'm not singling MGS4 out here of course; it might be brilliant, and if the reviewer thinks a game is superb and deserves a 9.5 then so be it. But when a reviewer openly expresses issues with a game and then blatantly ignores them for the overall rating - the thing most people look for a yes/no snap assumption - it is both potentially misleading for the reader and most definitely bad journalism.

I don't think that's the case here, but it is a problem that has plagued games reviews since as far back as I can remember.
Posted by Bugalugs213
How is is possible to write a review yet be told you cant coment on certain things. It's ridiculous.
Posted by Mark240473
Famitsu have given MGS4 the 7th ever 10/10. Any better for you?
Posted by canis77
I agree with you completely Zedfragg. I liked the character of Raiden, he seems to have been the focus of the criticism that should have been directed towards his girlfriend.
"do you remember what day it is?"
"**** off bitch I'm trying to save the world!"

I'm deeply saddened by the fact that Kojima still doesn't understand the importance of pace and time in terms of his scripting. He's a visionary in many ways but damages his own games by the use of two pages of script when two paragraphs would work better.

Will still be buying this seemingly flawed masterpiece though.
Posted by MrPirtniw
Think I'll trust Eurogamers review for now at least. I liked the first Metal Gear- it was good but not great. But 2... 2 is in a league of its own in terms of rubbishness. It's like Final Fantasy 8 and or Advent Children (I know one's a movie but man it sucked the big one).

They listed quite a lot of flaws there and yet to give it an almost perfect score (are the rubbish controls still present)? As many have said, MGS is a marmite game, much like Ninja Gaiden in a way- I suppose if you're a fan you'll rate it higher than what average joe next door does.

For me personally cute touches and dull stories do not make a game- the stealth elements and action/gun fighting always felt a bit light weight in previous games but perhaps have been addressed for this installment. I will wait and see methinks.
Posted by charliepreed
I am losing faith in consoles. Console games recently have been far outclassed my recent PC games. Gta 4 was a big disapointment for me and I think will be too. Dated graphics, gameplay and a dull uninteresting storyline (gta4). I just think consoles are now falling a lot behind. Stalker is an example of an amazing free roaming (kinda) game.
Posted by Spacewolf24
can someone fill me in on any things that will probly be important in this game as ive never even played an MSG game before so what are the important points in it?
Posted by Suivaloom
That is some question. If you are referring to the story the only way to get a grasp of it is to play the old versions, as believe me the story is bigger and more filled out than any single Final Fantasy game.

I would recommend playing MGS3 on PS2 and that would be enough to blood you into the world of MGS and help you get used to the game mechanics.
Posted by Mem20
How could you possibly get an unbiased review of something like MGS4 or GTA IV?? How could anyone be a credible games reviewer and not have played either of those games before?? If you got someone who hated either then it would still be biased as a GTA review by the Daily Mail would get about 1!!
Anyway, I always buy PSM3 as its a good laugh and well written.
Just need to get these darn Law Practice Course exam's out of the way, last exam on the 11th....! But need to play and watch the Euro's at the same time...!

PSN: mehmetyaman20
Posted by Lewos
Fantastic review - clearly they loved the game but still managed to get round to pointing out the stuff they didn't like.....unlike IGN....

"if you're going to enjoy the high points of Hideo Kojima's vision, there has to be an acceptance of his excesses, too."

No you bloody don't. If he's gone over the top they count as negatives....that's the point of the review.....grrrr
Posted by mrbones

Not trying to be a cock or anything MGS4 will be ace but did anyone see Famitsu review of Haze? my confidence in them is shot!
Posted by Mark240473

How's about 97% in Gamesmaster? No?
Posted by hmfc1874
Even if this game came back with a review of 80% I would still buy it as 80% is still a rating for a decent game. Sure MGS bugs nearly all western players to death with the mountains of dialogue that is simply not needed. Saying this, when I played MGS1 for the first time I was blown away by the detail that had been put into a "game". Hence why MGS1 is still in my all time top 5 games

But does this excess of dialogue and content bug the japanese players? We wouldn't change the way we wrote GTA because the japanese found it to be annoying!

Thats besides the point, I'm still looking forward to the over the top twists and total cookyness of the MGS world! I mean a boss battle on roller blades.....GENIUS lol

MGS1 was the best, MGS2 I found good and I cannot understand the hate the game recieves as I have just played through it again and now I am trudging through MGS3 as I have never actually finished it as I found this the weakest game in the series first shot round. Looking forward to the ending of MGS3 and then playing MGS4 straight after.

MGS4 sounds like a console seller........I'm just glad my gf was stupid enough to buy one for her ex 1 and a half years ago just before they split up. It will be the first PS3 game the console will have played so far.

If I can keep myself away from whooping ass on free for all on COD4 then I'll defo be on MGS mode for the month of June.........but then there is the football.............and work..........and the girlfriend to satisfy.

I'm just lucky my girlfriend loves games aswell then LOL and loves watching me play MGS WOO HOO

p.s. spot on review, well done
Posted by Reace
Enjoy your Konami MGS4 reviewer's bootcamp, PS3M?

*eagerly awaits reviews that were not bought and paid for by Konami*

Posted by Suivaloom
You jammy *******! :lol:
Posted by FLStyle

Ah yes Gamespot, I remember them, they were the ones who fired their editor because he scored Kane and Lynch as "average" (5 or 6, whatever it was) when Gamespot had an advertisement deal with the makers of said game.

Anyone connected with Gamespot can't say anything regarding "putting journalists in an unethical and awkward position."


Excellent review, I said I wouldn't read it but I gave in and just missed the one paragraph to make sure I indeed went into MGS4 "blind", great Job Dan D.
Posted by FLStyle
Double post, please delete.
Posted by SAeN
UH-OH! This review has given me the impression that the ending is a cliffhanger...

I hope I'm wrong, do any of you remember Halo 2?
Posted by gogo65uk
I just did something I wish I didn't I just listened to some of the music from the ost some really good tracks if they are to your taste and a few possible spoilers. But it don't half get you wondering what really happens. only 5 days left though :D
Posted by keyser7
Edge scores it 8 out of 10. It says one of the cut scenes is close to 90 minutes long :?
Posted by Gray Fox
OMG i think some of you are being a little harsh about the controls and the cut scenes, the MGS series was aimed at the Japanese market with the controls and cut scenes biased on that. Im impressed that it is liked so much worldwide..... Well not really the games are amazing. But I have to say that the cut scenes do not bother me much in comparison to how good the storyline is and i dont think anybody would buy a MGS game and avoid its story.

PS. if you haven't played any games in the series before then during parts you do not know the backstory to you will be prompted to activate a flashback where you view cut scenes from the previous games in the series to help you make sense of Kojima's mind-f**k of a story XD more cut scenes lol XD
Posted by defwalk1
I just got the game! damn I have to sit here while snake has a smoke(instalation screen) takes about 10mins :D

Posted by Mark240473
I've got my copy too but I can't play it until I finish work.. Sssssnnnaaaaakkkkeeeee!!!!!!
Posted by JAKEevans
its a brill game couldnt stop playing last nite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Mark240473
Crikey, what a slap in the face MGS4 was for me last night! I have'nt played something this intense for a long while. Even the cutscenes are fantastic and offer a welcome respite between gameplay sections. Only a few hours in but hooked. Wonderful.
Posted by DeejUK
Hmm... Here's hoping it does end up on 360 :/
Posted by Random Hangman
Hmmm... I have to say that from "I have no interest in this" having only played the first one, I am now edging towards "May give this a go".

Sadly I went out yesterday and bought COD4 for PS3 as my Xbox keeps getting 2 red-lights due to overheating and my COD4 stints were being cut short...

Hey-ho. May get this ina couple of weeks as the feedback is sounding really positive
Posted by pishers
i take it you are joking? famitsu is so biased its unbelievable. how many of those 40/40 games were made by a company outside of Japan/Asia? they rate some highly average games with good scores just because they come from Japan, maybe its just a cultural thing but it helps give Sony and Nintendo the edge in that region.
Posted by Mark240473
At the end of the day it doesn't matter. I think it is fantastic. You should play before you judge as well.
Posted by volatilis
The only NEXT GEN game that lives up to the promises. Amazing. How this never got a higher score than GTA4 is a crime.

shame about the *multiple* installs though.
Posted by Mark240473
In all honesty, I am sure it will at some point. It will be multiple discs though. Not that it matters much. And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter whether you play it now or next year. It will still be a great game.
Posted by DeejUK
Thing is, will I 'get it' if I've not played the predecessors? Before Halo 3 I bought and played through the first two, and read all the books to make sure I was fully-hyped :P

Mmm... Civ Rev tomorrow...
Posted by funkshui
Totally agree with you on that one!!! A gekko spotted me on the top floor of a building so i ducked behind a wall only to see the fooker climb up and have a butchers at where i was!! A proper soiled pants moment... :shock:
Posted by Mark240473
Yeah, talk about throwing you into the lions den! I didn't have a clue what I was doing for the first 15 mins until I realised that hiding is definitely the best policy!

'SNAKE, GO NORTH!' Those words are still echoing in my mind.....

And that camo-suit. Mega.
Posted by dakilla
ive always been a fan of the mgs series and ive completed all the playstation ones, but i am a bit dissapointed they didnt release it for the 360 as well, i wouldn't care if it had multiple discs like the 1st mgs, as long as i could play it i would be happy. All i can do is wait to see if they do release it (please say they do lol)
Posted by mornelithe
I had the regular edition pre-ordered for months, but there was a special edition still available yesterday so I picked that up instead. That having been said, it's my first taste of the MGS experience and I gotta say, I'm absolutely amazed at it. I personally like the deviation from the extremely unrealistic fast-pace of some shooters these days. Like...what soldier is running at absolute full speed while attempting to shoot in a controlled manner. It's a whole new experience to strategy imo. I'm having immense amounts of fun with it, and the cut-scenes and dialogue are pretty appropriate for the gravity of what's occuring w/in the story. This is one of maybe 5 or 6 PS3 games that I've had absolutely no regrets for shelling out the money over. One helluva game...thanks Mr Kojima!

Posted by Epicsonywin
Yes sad conclusion.But you cant say that no other game can be at the caliber of mgs4.One guy said mgs 3 was the most epic ps2 game.For me shadow of the colossus was the most epic ps2 game.Will be team icos ps3 project more epic than mgs 4?I think YES it will. :idea:
Posted by vulcanraven01
Had this game for a few days now and managed to put in about 2 hours last night.
My thoughts are that its everything I expected. Being in the middle of a warzone is great fun. I also think there's more focus on stealth in this game as I firstly tried to do a 'Rambo' so to speak and ended up getting killed rather early on. After that I took the stealth approach and I certainly enjoyed it alot more.
The only negatives so far is the install screen, which took about 10-15mins, the control's seem abit iffy at first and the lack of option to jump is limitings and finally the cut-scenes, while of high quality, are on for way too long. In my 2 hours play time, at least 60% of that must have been watching cut-scenes. The one where you meet Meryl must have gone on for at least 25 mins...
Still, too early for me to say if this is a classic yet but it's easily the most fun I've had since purchasing my PS3.
Posted by LordVonPS3
This game oozes quality.

Everyone with a PS3 should own this game.
Posted by vulcanraven01
After playing about 7 hours, I'm back with updated thoughts. ^_^
Firstly, I still feel this is the best exclusive available on PS3 right now, and most likley for the rest of this year. As soon as you play the game you're blown away, not by the graphics as they're pretty average, but by the design of the game and how you're thrown into a war zone and have to sneak through it.
The cut scenes are also very well directed and when Raiden first appeared it sent shivers down my spine. lol
The camo suit is also a nice touch and adds that extra stealth element to the game.
Basically I feel that on normal difficulty or higher, you can no longer do a Rambo and shoot your way through the game. Stealth is required unlike the previous games.

Moving onto the negatives, you have a 15-20 min install time to sit through when you first play the game. You also have a 5 min install time for each act. To add to that you have load screens between jumping from real time to cut scene, which ruins the mood some what.
Finally I think the bosses have been fairly boring so far and lacked the character the one's of the one's from the original game.

Taking into account all these thoughts, I'd say this is one hell of a game, but best MGS in the series? No. The original still stands as a classic of modern gaming, something this will fail to achieve I feel.
Still, if you own a PS3 you need this game. Simple as.
Posted by Mark240473
When using figures try to use the correct ones. 8 to 10 minutes for first install, 3 mins for act 2, then at most 2 mins after that.
Posted by themadjock
I'm new to the MGS franchise so just read up on the back story from Gametrailers and wikipedia but:

I love this game. Just starting Act 4 tonight. The actual gameplay elements are some of the best if not the best of any 3rd person/FPS ever. So many modifications to weapons and different ways to take people down. The sound and animation are fantastic.

Yes the cut-scenes are long but the story is so compelling it gives you time to sit back (with a beer) and absorb the extremely rich storyline. I found myself reading the radio transmissions instead of hearing them to save time! When the cut-scenes are of that quality it's a treat to watch the action, Raiden/Vamp/Gekko, End of Act 3 not to mention Snake's obvious/hilarious attempt to look up Naomi's skirt in Act two.

I don't want it to end.... :cry:

Please play this game, you owe it to yourself. :D
Posted by Mark240473
You'll cry real tears of joy when you play Act 4. Wonderful. That is unless you know feck all about MGS backstory. Sounds like you've read up on it though, so enjoy.
Posted by johnjo88
Finished it at 5 last night. So tired coming into work this morn, but worth it!! I know some of the movies were OTT but its a fitting end and I loved every minute of it. Snake has to be the coolest games character. Can wait to start it again after work!!
Posted by mattomsay
never knew if i should have got this game.

and i still havent i only played a bit of the first and im unsure if its for me.

ps. 100th comment
Posted by themadjock
Just finished it, never played a MGS game before and it's the first time I have every been moved it tears by a game.

That was a very special game and a masterpiece to stand the test of time.

It had it's minor flaws but taken as an overall experience it was 10 out of 10
Posted by dakilla
Ive always been a MGS fan and ive played all of them except the gamecube one( which was number 1 anyway) and MGS4.

i was disappointed that they made it a PS3 Exclusive as i own an xbox 260, so ill never be able to play for myself.

But from watching the ending, I thought it let the game down slightly.
Posted by Trahildian
Brilliant review dan - it had me close to tears with how beutifully it was written
Posted by jacko12
this game is pure class. its 1 of the best 4 ps3.the game is good but so is the online mode.the are challenging bosses and long chapters.the ending is.I hope they make a fith one
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