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Quake 3 Arena is ten: Let's celebrate

Videos that show why we still love - and f***ing hate - id's shooter
Quake 3 Arena is ten... erm, yesterday. But just because we missed the big day doesn't mean the birthday boy is going to turn down our gifts - and we've got big hugs for our favourite swear fit-inducing shooter.

For those of you who maybe haven't played the deathmatch opus in a while - or lord forbid, missed it entirely - we've compiled a collection of videos that show just why we love - and at the same time f***ing hate - id's finest creation.

Happy Birthday Quake 3, we love you man.

// Interactive
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Q3 > UT

altitude2k on 3 Dec '09
Legendary game!
icutoffmyear on 3 Dec '09
Dreamcast Q3 FTW
Robjduk on 3 Dec '09
The dreamcast version with keyboard and mouse... happy days.
roland82 on 3 Dec '09
So when exactly is QL coming to XBLA? I don't suppose CVG could use their little black book and contact id, could they? Wink
altitude2k on 3 Dec '09
Yes CVG can you find the release date please, last I heard was "Fall holdidays" I would love to be playing this over xmas Smile
NEOnburN9 on 3 Dec '09
Yes CVG can you find the release date please, last I heard was "Fall holdidays" I would love to be playing this over xmas Smile

Was very close to being finished, apparently....IN FEBRUARY:

altitude2k on 3 Dec '09
Wow this game is fast, how the hell do you hit anything? Was this game mouse only operated? Using a pad would have been quite impossible, I assume...
I'm personally glad I missed this, it would have only frustrated me.
pepperman on 3 Dec '09
I only played the demo at the time, enjoyed it though. Now I'm a pretty avid fan of Quake Live. Never really played any FPS before, may never play any other one again.
syphilis on 3 Dec '09
I always thought Unreal Tournament was the far, far superior multiplayer shooter of this time. Quake 3: Arena was good... no mistake, but UT had far more options, was far more innovative and not as simple-minded. In my view Q3A was a good game, but Unreal Tournament was a masterpiece.

So, CVG, if you're going to give Q3A a 10 year birthday salute, then UT definitely deserved one as well, even if you've already missed it too.
TerrorK on 4 Dec '09
http://quakelive.com/ if you want to give it a go. Browser based Q3 ftw. Can't believe they didn't link it in the post.
stickmus on 4 Dec '09
/Salutes Quake3

I started on Quakeworld right through to Q3. My best online memories. I even met my wife who was a clan member from playing quake... then divorced her. THANKS A LOT ID. YOU RUINED MY LIFE Laughing
kimoak on 4 Dec '09
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