
19th November 2009, 03:55

Video: SMM performance

SMM opening ceremony performance

Comments (3)


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(2 days ago)  #1 hustleplay
stupid blackout! :(
Let's make some highlights! :)
(2 days ago)  #2 BA|frequency-
Hahahaha so dark!

It was OK, they were a bit dodgy at the start but got better at the end :P

<VisarkA> one night ended with me sleeping in jolies bed
(2 days ago)  #3 Danny89
the lighting is like this..
hard on my hand-cam :(

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SMM Grand National DotA Tournament 2009 19 
Rules and regulation
Tournament format
Participating teams
Groupstage 99 
Playoffs 74 
Yamateh: We will be back 25 
Longdd: I do not want to cry 27 
Musica: There is nothing personal
EHOME.GK: We want to face KS
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Koala: We want to go swimming!
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Blog: No offense Pusher 24 
Archive: 27th November
Gallery: 25th November 62 
Gallery: Breakfast, trophies and events 11 
Gallery: Pre-tournament scrims 28 
Gallery: 26th November 45 
Gallery: 27th November 48 
Gallery: PMS|Asterisk* during the blackout
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Gallery: 29th November 17 
Video: MYM vs. EHOME scrim 29 
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Video: SMM spectators part 2
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Video: Kingsurf fans
Video: Kuroky post-SMM interview 59 
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Final standings
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