
19th November 2009, 03:55

Video: KuroKy POV (Long)

Comments (16)


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(2 days ago)  #1 blight^desRow
sick video finally you didnt stick to long on the freakin mouse ^^ he plays a good BM
(2 days ago)  #3 mandurang
sick video tru! He plays a good anything imo (and many really imba).
(2 days ago)  #5 Danny89
i learn from mistakes.. haha

btw, i am curious what u guys think, should i give some intro speeches on what's the video about, or the title here is enough & i should stfu? haha
(2 days ago)  #2 shostakovich
(2 days ago)  #4 sniperzreborn
MYM versus local Malaysian team Ftz :]
(2 days ago)  #6 Nataru-
can you do any converage on CH or sGty or Avava or Aeon.Sg? =)
(2 days ago)  #7 Danny89
of cause, when they appear =_=
(2 days ago)  #8 JaOkQ
imo, you get a big advantage in dota if you've played normal w3 before. I've played a lot and I dont think that Kuroky is that fast with his mouse and keyboard, but he's probably really smart and thinks ahead of everybody else
(2 days ago)  #9 Thunderbolt
mania played normal wc3 for quite some time before he started with dota. he had some pretty night elves icon in the channels with his account back then.
(2 days ago)  #10 IShotTheSheriff
He buys TP scrolls with the mouse lol
(2 days ago)  #11 seacrac
And he is the best player in the world
(2 hours ago)  #16 chelom
just wanned to say hes not XD for me hes so overrated. hes one of the best but not the best ofc
(2 days ago)  #12 Xhard
I think most players buy with the mouse .. in every pov Ive seen from SMM so far they have atleast .
(2 days ago)  #13 sanchoss
rly nice
(16 hours ago)  #14 Trouble_Dragon
most of them use 'always show health bar'. Anyone isnt using it?cuz me myself isnt using it. jz wondering anyway
Last edited by Trouble_Dragon at 29.11.2009, 11:23
(2 hours ago)  #15 chelom
i dont like the "always show health bars" and buying with mouse is pretty standard u cant buy all items by hotkeys to much to learn for almost nothing i just know the common ones like tangos, salves, clarities and all of those u buy at the beggining probably cause u always buy them u have to learn the key XD

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