
19th November 2009, 03:55

Tournament format

The tournament might be a little confusing for some but it is to the best interest of the teams participating to ensure fair and quality games. If you have any problems understanding the tournament format, do not hesitate send a private message to ReiNNNN or send an e-mail

The tournament and bracketing layout at the SGNDT 09’: Grand Finals will be separated into 3 phases which will be the qualifying stage, the group-stages and the final playoffs. The 3 Stages are as listed below:-

Stage 1: Qualifiers – Teams who previously obtained the qualifying spot of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th respectively from the State Qualifiers will be separated into 8 groups consisting of 4 teams each. Teams listed in this qualifying round will battle it out in a Round Robin Format amongst one another. Only 1 Team who obtained the highest score will proceed to the next stage, which is the Group Stage.

Stage 2: Group Stage – The Group Stage will stand as an initial platform to seed all selected International Teams and State Champions who previously obtained 1st Place during the State Qualifiers into this Group. Similarly to the qualifying stage, all the International Teams will be subsequently seeded into a group of 5 (with each group consisting of one qualifying stage winner). The Top 2 Scorers from this phase will be eligible to proceed into the Playoffs.

Stage 3: Playoffs – The playoffs will be played in a Double Elimination Format, also known as Winner/Loser brackets. Although this format is widely used during tournaments, some might still find it to be a little bit confusing. Hence, further clarification of this format can be obtained below:-

A Double Elimination Format has basically 2 brackets whereby all teams will initially start off in the Winner Bracket. When a match ends, the Loser will be placed into the Loser bracket while the Winner proceeds to the Winner Bracket. Once a losing team enlists themselves into the Loser Bracket, another lost will instantly eliminate them from the tournament. In the Grand Final, the Winner of the Loser Bracket will face the Winner of the Winner Bracket and play in a best-of-3 format. The Team coming from the Winner Bracket will have an added advantage into the series with a 1:0 lead.

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SMM Grand National DotA Tournament 2009 18 
Rules and regulation
Tournament format
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Playoffs 49 
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