
19th November 2009, 03:55

Cybertime: MYM grown stronger

mushiFirst, congratulations to your team's rising reputation internationally. The Asia DotA Championship has really shot your team to fame. So do you mind introducing your teammates and their roles in the team?

Mushi - Our super carry, a lot of his Chinese fans say that he looks like Undying.
Net - Our main supporter, we call him 'milk mother' (milk mother means babysitter)
xtinct - ganker, always making jokes in the team
xigz - Ganker, fattest guy in the team, always eating
Sharky - Semi-carry, most handsome guy in Cybertime and super pro in cantonese (sarcasm)

Recently the team has had some big roster changes. To bring in xtinct and xigz, the team removed winter. How is the team's chemistry/teamwork coming along?

Yes, removing Winter was the manager's and team's decision. Mushi was in the same team as xtinct and xigz in ucpro earlier this year so he felt that they were the most suitable replacements and we've  played many together and the team's chemistry is getting good!

Winter used to be a big part of Cybertime. He was the main ganker then. How has his departure affected the team's playstyle?

Yes, he was the main ganker before his departure but it will not affect the core playstyle of the team because his role can be replaced by xtinct and xigz as well as we're a level better now than before and more tactics can be used by the team.

Since SMM Grand Finals is going th be hosted right after the exams in Malaysia, how are the practice sessions going?

We are practicing together almost every night for a month before SMM Grand Finals. Each practice session lasts for 7-8 hours on average. We've prepared different strategies for different teams and we well try our best to win the title of SMM Champions.

SMM tournament is set to be the biggest DotA tournament in the world to date. What are the emotions goung through the team? Is the team excited/nervous?

We are very excited because not only are Asian teams participating but so are European teams. We look forward to playing the European teams because their playstyle are totally different from Asians.

Cybertime is famous for their unorthodox picks. At the moment, we have seen Cybertime use Ursa Warrior and Templar Assassin very well. Does the team have anymore unusual tactics or has the team used them all for Asia DotA Championship?

We are still trying to discover some unusual tactics for SMM but their effectiveness cannot be compared to Ursa Warrior and Templar Assassin.

The Europeans have watched and analysed some of the Asian replays and have come out with extremely well planned counters for Lanaya and Ursa Warrior by using Warlock and Blademail respectively. What do you think about this?

Warlock will really give a hard time for Lanaya by soloing against her in mid-lane but from mid game onwards, I don't think warlock can give any pressure on Lanaya with her ganking potential mid game. As for Blademail, we will just buy Black King Bar for Lanaya and Ursa Warrior so that it won't work on them when they turn it on.

For most teams in Asia, they will be facing the European giants in a tournament on LAN. Which team(s) are you looking forward to playing on LAN the most?

MYM as we've watched their recent replays and we feel they've grown stronger with Kuroky's presence in the team and their team chemistry is far above other teams.

Who do you think will be top 3 in this tournament? Any underdogs?

Top three will be MYM, CD and us of course in no particular order. No underdogs.

This year, SMM will be hosted in Malacca which is considered pretty inconvenient for most teams. Are you going to the tournament a little earlier to go sight seeing and play in the waterpark as well as stay a little later for the after-party?

Yeah I think it's inconvenient for international teams, not Malaysian teams as well as fans of local teams which can't go to Malacca to show their support. We're going one day earlier for the view of the waterpark.


After the tournament, is the team going to stay a while longer or head straight back home?

We will stay a while longer if we win! If we lose we'll just stay to watch the rest of the matches.

Your team is one of the favourites to win SMM. What would you guys do with your money if you get first place?

Firstly, we will look for nice food around Malacca and go singing the whole night and travel together!

This concludes the interview. Any shoutouts?


Comments (19)


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(3 days ago)  #1 4KFmatthe


╦╦╦╦╦╦╦ The fence of the Ancients ╦╦╦╦╦╦╦
(3 days ago)  #2 DKMaNia-
wauw first time we didnt get badmouthed by an asian team, cybertime are awesome :)
(2 days ago)  #6 Danny89
(2 days ago)  #8 supa_fly
LOL. I'd pay big money to see MaNia- high-fiving someone from Ct after that.
(2 days ago)  #11 Danny89
i'll be yr agent for tat :D
perhaps i could try to take a Pict & sell to u.. haha
(2 days ago)  #13 MYM|OpTIXy
:)), nice boys, Mania will be happy owning them
(3 days ago)  #3 mandurang
MYM megastronk full support.
Also. Blademail: "Damage is returned as pure damage".

linkens > BKB as counter to blademail imo
Last edited by mandurang at 24.11.2009, 04:49
(3 days ago)  #4 MIkyKubjelle
Nice, Cybertime is now my favourite asian team for recognizing MYMs strength. All other asian sucks!
(3 days ago)  #5 Thunderbolt
which european teamS ?

and does bkb still counter blademail dmg? or is he just faking being clueless -.-
Last edited by Thunderbolt at 24.11.2009, 00:25
(2 days ago)  #7 Danny89
it's pure damage, but maybe magical? @_@
(2 days ago)  #15 seacrac
BKB blocks Blademail dmg, simple as that.
(2 days ago)  #18 Danny89
tat was wat i thought.. but the person above making me confused :S
(2 days ago)  #9 Danny89
btw, where's wantan? =\
(2 days ago)  #10 ibzzi
from the asian side my vote goes to cD... cD>cT in my opinion.. but MYM>cD :D
(2 days ago)  #12 BA|frequency-
Hahaha cool interview :D
<VisarkA> one night ended with me sleeping in jolies bed
(2 days ago)  #14 SGCTulex
Absolute best in Asia, only asian replays I truly enjoy watching are from them, hoping for MYM vs Ct finals, gl.
#sgc.dota stay&idle! 24/7 chat:D
(2 days ago)  #16 seacrac
I used to enjoy your replay too. Miss SGC :"(
(2 days ago)  #17 apelsinlax

Have you seen any team feed their carry kills like CT feed Mushi? It looks very pro.

TMM - The Moon Mob
(yesterday)  #19 hexOr'sNO1FAN:O
ahh what happened to Wantan and Winter? D:

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Last update : 23.11.2009 19:17
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