Esport News
Counter Strike

29th November 2009, 22:50

SNOGARD Dragons released

eps, esl, female, snogard

The German organisation SNOGARD Dragons have announced that they will be releasing their female Counter Strike team.

The former team Alternate team joined SNOGARD Dragons prior to Germanys EPS league in July where they were to play along side males. But, the event didn't go to planned after the girls came bottom of the whole event without a win and with a -202 round difference which gave doubts to the organisation management. 

However, after winning Germanys ESL Female Championship for a third consecutive year, the organisation have announced that they will not be renewing their contracts, leaving them without an organisation for the time being.

Snogard Dragons was:

Germany Petra 'Peewie' Jäckel
Germany Melanie 'beyoNd*' Gutsche
Germany Bea 'nknknk' Balz
Germany Tina '' Hülzer
Germany Jenny 'Lunatic' Löhr

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Comments (8)


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(2 days ago)  #1 MeniX
Awww. Thats really sad ;o
Good team tbh, but they just didnt hit the "days"

Jesus.. was a duck!
(2 days ago)  #2 BA|frequency-
This sucks :(

Need better female gaming!!!

<VisarkA> one night ended with me sleeping in jolies bed
(2 days ago)  #3 MYM|DeMusliM
one on the far right is cute !
(yesterday)  #6 uNder
even if you lose > never give up !
(2 days ago)  #4 PCgamesw067000
female gaming, where is the future?
哥抽得不是烟,是寂寞 rofl
(2 days ago)  #5 zeusel
too bad :[
(yesterday)  #7 uNder
:( sad
even if you lose > never give up !
(yesterday)  #8 MYMMark
gogo Dragons
The newest generation Dota player

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