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28th November 2009, 12:00

2easy4 KenaN ghosting against fnatic

2easy4, dreamhack, fnatic, ghosting, kenan, winter

2easy4 KenaN was seen to be "ghosting" against fnatic in the group stages of the event by a video that clearly showed him looking at the open monitor displays to see the actions of his opponents.

2easy4 are a reasonably unknown team from Germany who faced the likes of fnatic  in the group stages. But suspicions started to erupt however when they took 9 rounds off fnatic in their first game. A spectator recorded Germany Kenan 'KenaN' Bilgili in the match, and if you look closely, spotted that he was in fact looking at the fnatic spectate monitors on the main stage area.

After the match, caught up with KenaN for an interview, in which he admitted that he did ghost in the game but was not sanctioned by the match admins:


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(yesterday)  #1 SAD.techScorpY
Maybe next time put the monitors. Above his monitor ...
I mean it's like putting a mouse with a snake. What would the snake do?
Owkay he ghosted and he admitted it. But give the guy a break ;).
It was really rude from the guy who was interviewing him.
You already know the answers. This is just laughing with someone ...

Most of the people. When they are sitting behind a team and playing against them. They also do it.
But this is Dreamhack there fault and not the player in my opinion ;).
Last edited by ScorpY at 28.11.2009, 14:45 - at quakenet
(yesterday)  #2 Pacificus
It's like in poker, I am not going out of my way to see your hand, but if you aren't going to be careful with how you handle your cards, I am going to see them.

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Last update : 28.11.2009 13:08
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