Esport News

28th November 2009, 17:00

Video: Kingsurf fans

fans, kingsurf, supporters


Kingsurf fans show why they are the best fans in the world and get behind their team in this nail-biting encounter against arch-rivals Aeon.Dota.

The supporters prove to be the difference and Malaysia Kingsurf have successfully progressed into the semi finals of the loser brackets and will be taking on china team China CH tomorrow. It will be interesting to see if the fans can once again get their team through to the loser bracket finals in this crucial encounter.

See crazy Kingsurf fans here!


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(yesterday)  #1 sexyfats
the current mym couldn't have beaten this team. judging from the ftz replay that is. their micro levels are passable for competitive players, with the obvious bright spots. but it's okay, that was the case with old mym. but teamfight wise, such a lack of a strategy. each player barely knew their role + position to take. serious wastage in potential damage.

take lessons from kingsurf, even old mym. it was just player. spamming from individual players. couldn't seem to handle coordinating any number above 3 heroes. s'pore cwr worthy.

kingsurf: micro - amazing. ymt-orbwalking at level 25 wat. not just simply the stat of managing 300 cs with viper. but.. the last hitting was mesmerising. he made last hitting an art. i don't know any other player i stare at farming.

teamfights - although ymt is amazing/best carry, this is obviously down to the whole of kingsurf playing it to near perfection -> no mistakes in positioning and decision making that i noticed. which is more that i can say for mym.

i'll get his or ppx's autograph, not the european popstars just cuz they're white. noob team mym boo cheat feelings. oh and, kuroky has amazing reflexes, gut feelings, etc. but lion kunkka od es zeus is so not how any decent drafter would pick for 6.64. it's not hard to amaze a nobody fanboy like me, but somehow mym failed in every way.
Last edited by sexyfats at 28.11.2009, 20:10
(yesterday)  #2 sexyfats
double post
Last edited by sexyfats at 28.11.2009, 20:05

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Last update : 28.11.2009 18:00
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