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Huge Aion update revealed in video

Epic nine minute video shows underwater play, huge graphical enhancements
NCSoft has released a mystery teaser trailer that shows off what looks like an enormous update on the way for its fantasy MMO, Aion.

The enormous nine minute gameplay video, titled 'Aion Vision', shows significant graphical upgrades, underwater gameplay, epic set pieces with some enormous flying creatures, and some mighty impressive weather effects including snow which appears to settle on the ground and scenery realistically, and then melt when the sun comes up.

Yet there's no official word on what, exactly, the trailer is revealing. Only the video description hints: "The future of Aion-revealed! Your dreams your imagination becomes reality. With innovation Aion will make your imagination into reality. Aion's future will be your dreams made real. Never ending Challenge, AION." Whatever that means.

But it looks pretty awesome, though.

// Interactive
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NC is hoping for some new subscribers. And im sure with this they will get them
jus123 on 24 Nov '09
that was an impressive trailer, and yes their definatly looks like theres a vast improvement, though the problem is it takes so so so long to get to those grand epic moments.
davidalden on 24 Nov '09
Looks impressive.
Wanted to get the game at launch, but I've learnt in the past to give it at least 6 months before investing in an MMO.
Saying that, if they lower the price for the game, rather than £35 to at least £20-25, then I'd snap it up in an instant, and I'm sure many others would as well.
That's one of the reasons people are put off, especially when you have a new WoW expansion and KOTOR on the way.
vulcanraven01 on 24 Nov '09
If you want a game were 1/4 are botting, 1/4 are gold sellers, 1/4 of people get disconnected and the rest just whine and moan then Aion is the game for you.
Saying that I still play it and looking forward to this upgrade.
funguse_lufc on 24 Nov '09
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