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Food Lobby Mobilizes As Soda Tax Bubbles Up

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It's not taxation, it's making people pay for irresponsible behavior that effects us all. Right now the taxpayers are subsidizing the dangerous levels of bad things we eat and drink.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:44 PM on 11/04/2009
- New Tom Joad I'm a Fan of Tom Joad 228 fans permalink


    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:48 PM on 11/04/2009
- New macbabe I'm a Fan of macbabe 85 fans permalink

"A national tax of 1 cent per ounce of soda and other sugary drinks could stem the United States' obesity epidemic, while generating $14.9 billion the first year alone,"

It's a GREAT idea IMHO!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:43 PM on 11/04/2009

If we added fats and carbs we could pay for healthcare for all.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:46 PM on 11/04/2009
- New macbabe I'm a Fan of macbabe 85 fans permalink

Yes!! what are they waiting for, JUST DO IT!!!!!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:48 PM on 11/04/2009
- New Tom Joad I'm a Fan of Tom Joad 228 fans permalink

I agree.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:48 PM on 11/04/2009
- New Lane4411 I'm a Fan of Lane4411 4 fans permalink

"Twinkie/Fat Tax", makes a lot of sense. Very simple if you do not consume the "Garbage", you do not pay the freight. Should include all junk foods.There has been a significant drop off in smoking because of the tax/health issues. For whatever reason, people do not understand the dangers of consuming these "poisons",tax may wake people up-doubt it!!

Also feel there should be a tax on each stock transaction-say $1, which would go into a reserve fund for the next bailout.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:43 PM on 11/04/2009

I agree. Especially as junk food costs less than real food, tax the junk and it'll become as expensive as the proper food...

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:45 PM on 11/04/2009

I have lived in Australia, where Medicare is available to everyone. Cigarettes cost about $15 a pack; alcohol costs about twice what it costs here.

Funny thing--the high taxes don't stop people. They smoke like chimneys and drink like fish.

And everyone has excellent health care.

So why not? If it endan.gers health, then those that use it should pay more for it.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:36 PM on 11/04/2009
- New buzzard123 I'm a Fan of buzzard123 33 fans permalink

It's the same in Britain, Canada and France.
They've taxed the vices and other crap that people put into their bodies and it doesn't stop some. Well at least it helps pay for the resulting healthcare costs.
Doesn't America rank one of the highest in the world for childhood obesity?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:43 PM on 11/04/2009

Yes, it does. Although I've just read some research which suggests that childhood obesity may also be the result of not getting enough sleep; children today average one hour less of sleep at night than we did 30 years ago, and that throws the metabolism off kilter.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:46 PM on 11/04/2009

Consumption of high fructose corn syrup makes you dumb.


It causes disease, it creates toxins when heated up.

It shouldn't be confused with food. It is a luxury product made cheap by taxpayer funded subsidies.
It is made by a few huge agri-business mega corporations, yet its pervasive in "food products" consumed by the majority of our people. Try to go to your local grocery store and not buy HFCS- its almost impossible.

Why people aren't outraged that we are limited to eating that which will lower our quality of life. Taxing "sugary drinks" is only the first step we should be taking to try to reverse the abuse of power exerted by agri-business.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:34 PM on 11/04/2009
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