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Stewart Nozette (PICTURE): Scientist Arrested On Spy Charges Worked For Department Of Defense

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Ah the usual anti-Israeli hatred coming to the fore.

If the bigots actually paid attention to the FACTS, they'd see that no Israeli agents were trying to buy anything. It was FBI agents posing as Israeli agents who contacted him.

As states:

"The FBI stressed the Israeli government was not accused of attempting to gain information from the US."

And in point of fact, other allies have spied on the US, and the US has spied on its allies, including Israel. It's of course much harder to find links, since only Israel is blessed with the same amount of bigoted conspiracy nuts, but is a sample, and more can be found if one digs.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:00 PM on 10/20/2009

You fail to mention the other salient facts here; The person in question worked as a "consultant" for an aerospace firm that was owned by the Israeli Government. As it turns out, a number of other people working for that firm have been charged with Espionage against the US for passing Intel to Israel. Strange that he also was arrested, but "not" for anything that involves Israel.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:55 AM on 10/21/2009

I can't understand the surprise people are expressing over this story? Allies spy on each other all the time. Maybe it was so easy for the FBI to get this guy because anyone in a position that requires top level security clearance KNOWS that Israeli recruitment of spies in America is common. For example, what if I am a Mexican-American scientist...would I be shocked to find someone posing as a representative from the Mexican government asking me to spy?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 04:40 PM on 10/20/2009

OK...who wants to 'splain why Israel is spying on us?
How many of the billions we give 'em go towards spying on us?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:13 AM on 10/20/2009
- pkafin I'm a Fan of pkafin 18 fans permalink

K, who wants to explain to Passenger57 that Israel had nothing to do with what this article reports. It was the FBI pretending to be an Israeli.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:49 AM on 10/20/2009

pkafin, why do you assume this is the first time? Do you know how many times the US has apprehended people spying for Israel in the past say 10 years? It is not an unusual thing for allies to spy on each other. It is actually quite common. That Israel was or was not directly involved in this man's case has YET to be seen.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 04:27 PM on 10/20/2009

Several other people working at the same Israeli government owned aerospace firm as consultants were charged with espionage for passing secrets to Israel. He was set up because his travel activities seemed to indicate that he was already selling classified intel.

He is quoted as saying that he already thought he was working as a spy for Israel simply as part of his job with the Israeli Aerospace firm.

So, no, I guess that does not really sound like Israel Is implicated here... NOT.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:25 AM on 10/21/2009
- argentino I'm a Fan of argentino 16 fans permalink

we don't execute spys anymore?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:09 AM on 10/20/2009
- ibsteve2u I'm a Fan of ibsteve2u 126 fans permalink

Good question. If they have no value as exchanges for our people, fry 'em.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 02:19 PM on 10/20/2009
- den1953 I'm a Fan of den1953 39 fans permalink

Does this story make anyone wonder about the old saying my enemy is my best friend? What is up with the Israeli's and there spy machine?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:02 AM on 10/20/2009
- pkafin I'm a Fan of pkafin 18 fans permalink

Nothing is "up with the Israeli's and their spy machine". If you had read the article you would have realized that there is not a single Israeli involved in this story. This is not a story about Israel spying or attempting to spy on anyone. It is a story about the FBI catching a US citizen in a sting by pretending to be an Israeli.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:03 PM on 10/20/2009

He was a paid consultant for an Israeli defence company, which is were the suspicions began. Hes in it up to his neck, as is Israel.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 04:25 PM on 10/20/2009

there is a lot "up" with Israeli intelligence. Mossad is by far one of the best organized most effective intelligence agencies in the world. This is not a secret.
As for allies spying on each other, this is not uncommon. And again, we have yet to see if Israel was involved in this or not. I doubt we will ever know the truth about the story anyway...but regardless, we have dozens of examples of this taking place in America.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 04:29 PM on 10/20/2009
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