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14 days in the top 100
72 Hours
72 Hours
3.7 out of 5 stars (12 customer reviews)
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

2. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours
4 days in the top 100
When Night
When Night Falls
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

3. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours
17 days in the top 100
The Christmas
The Christmas Bus
4.4 out of 5 stars (22 customer reviews) | 1 customer discussion
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

4. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours
41 days in the top 100
The Lost
The Lost Symbol
2.8 out of 5 stars (1,395 customer reviews) | 86 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

6 days in the top 100
The Scarpetta
The Scarpetta Factor
4.6 out of 5 stars (19 customer reviews) | 2 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

13 days in the top 100
Nine Dragons
Nine Dragons
4.2 out of 5 stars (73 customer reviews) | 3 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

13 days in the top 100
Pursuit of Honor 4.2 out of 5 stars (33 customer reviews) | 3 customer discussions
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Kindle Price: $9.99

8. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours
49 days in the top 100
The Autobiography
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
5.0 out of 5 stars (7 customer reviews)
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Kindle Price: $0.00

9. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours
25 days in the top 100
The Templar Legacy 3.2 out of 5 stars (174 customer reviews)
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Kindle Price: $0.00

35 days in the top 100
Giving Chase
Giving Chase
3.6 out of 5 stars (31 customer reviews)
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

27 days in the top 100
Rough Country
Rough Country
3.7 out of 5 stars (50 customer reviews) | 3 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

255 days in the top 100
The Help
The Help
4.8 out of 5 stars (1,038 customer reviews) | 7 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

6 days in the top 100
3.3 out of 5 stars (27 customer reviews) | 3 customer discussions
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Kindle Price: $12.95

95 days in the top 100
Fairy Tales 3.6 out of 5 stars (8 customer reviews) | 3 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

15. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours
14 days in the top 100
Heat Wave
Heat Wave
4.4 out of 5 stars (23 customer reviews) | 4 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

16. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours
35 days in the top 100
Paradox I
Paradox I
4.0 out of 5 stars (9 customer reviews)
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

17. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours
20 days in the top 100
Evidence: An Alex Delaware Novel
3.2 out of 5 stars (15 customer reviews) | 1 customer discussion
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

18. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours
245 days in the top 100
Pride and
Pride and Prejudice
4.5 out of 5 stars (863 customer reviews) | 9 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

26 days in the top 100
The Demon
The Demon Awakens
4.2 out of 5 stars (119 customer reviews)
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

20. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours
21 days in the top 100
The Professional
The Professional
3.6 out of 5 stars (25 customer reviews) | 2 customer discussions
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

641 days in the top 100
The New
The New York Times
3.2 out of 5 stars (151 customer reviews) | 48 customer discussions
Includes a 14-day free trial and automatic wireless delivery

Monthly Price: $13.99

22. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours
6 days in the top 100
Too Big
Too Big to Fail
4.1 out of 5 stars (26 customer reviews) | 1 customer discussion
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

23. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours
48 days in the top 100
The Last
The Last Song
4.3 out of 5 stars (78 customer reviews) | 1 customer discussion
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $9.99

24. Ranking has gone down in the past 24 hours
236 days in the top 100
The Adventures
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
4.4 out of 5 stars (56 customer reviews)
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00

25. Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours
43 days in the top 100
The Prince
The Prince
5.0 out of 5 stars (1 customer review)
Auto-delivered wirelessly

Kindle Price: $0.00


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