ESWC 08: Day 2 gallery     50 pictures     81 comments
Uploaded by The1Crow - 26.08.2008

ESWC: Day 1 gallery     ESWC: Counter-Strike Finals
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(last year)  #1 martoNFIRE
(last year)  #2 morskiYpingwin
he tried closer ^^
(last year)  #3 Malinowym4linowycreep
hahahah hand behind the screen and than two pads xD
omg!!wTf?! i know u hack oO!!
(last year)  #4 --Nemesis--
I play with my hand behind my screen as well :) But since I play on a laptop, I gotta wrap something around my arm when I play in a T-shirt because of the fan :<
(last year)  #5 imported_ixion
this is not erconoiclay correct
(last year)  #6 goUP.Grom88
haha rotfl xD
Welcome to the jungle!
(9 months ago)  #7 __LoG
so blind!

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