eStars Day 1 gallery     64 pictures     31 comments
Uploaded by The1Crow - 24.07.2008

ESWC Gallery 2     eStars Day 2 Gallery
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(last year)  #1 sosna90
omg; o they looks really tired
(last year)  #3 bkx
Lol tired? They drunk with fnatic at open ceremony :) And luq was beaten by koreans. (te lima pod okiem).
(last year)  #2 Bebiko
Luq xd I guess there was a little "fire" irl , perhaps your eye felt it xD
(last year)  #4 Freestylerr
Headshot o_O or better eyeshot xD
(last year)  #5 innovationbadboy
Two korean karatecs beats himself :D
(last year)  #6 simple-
LUq get headshot :D
(last year)  #7 Berq
HAAHAHHA luq HAHAHAH widac polak w 100% ;d

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