Rendezvous XX Skövde, Sweden     45 pictures     98 comments
Uploaded by Nostra - 11.08.2006
Famous LAN (cs-tournament) in Skövde, situated near Gothenburg (Sweden).
mYm in Bilbao Spain     World E-Festival

Comments (4)


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(2 years ago)  #1 FoXy
YAHAHAHAHAHAH i like the pics <3
I am super cool
(2 years ago)  #2 RZC*Emil_himself
Well, pity the pics on the crew isent really the crew :) its some clan. (you can see 1 crew guy on the pic tho) nostra ffs :p
(2 years ago)  #3 Nostra
IŽm the cameraman ;)
(2 years ago)  #4 daG-
#3 yes u r :D

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