WCG 07 - Exclusive Pre-Event Pics     85 pictures     39 comments
Uploaded by The1Crow - 04.10.2007
WCG 07 - Exclusive Pre-Event Pics
Funny Progamer Pics from Korea     WCG 2007 - CS 1.6 Special

Comments (6)


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(last year)  #1 drifting
why is it not possible to see the number of comments for each pic :/
God loves stupid people. That's why he made so many.
(last year)  #2 myMYM|drejer
Thanks for your comment. It has been added to our todo, and will hopefully be available soon ;-)
(last year)  #3 cultking
Because this isn't a point of interest mb? Would be pretty much useless information..
Pull me down again and guide me into pain.
(last year)  #4 Nachtelf
cool pics
(last year)  #5 drifting
i dont think so #3. you have the possibility to comment on pictures and when you use it you do want to know whether somebody else took his chance too without having to go through all of the pictures again. at least in my case that would be the point..
God loves stupid people. That's why he made so many.
(last year)  #6 Culater
many pictures for the first day, nice city, nice location!
Culater ~~

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