Warcraft 3

23rd February 2009, 11:00

NGL ONE 1on1 Season I

The NGL ONE will change the focus from the known team league to a solo tournament - overall 24 players will be fighting in the NGL ONE Warcraft III 1on1 competition for a prize money of 17,500$. Eight players will receive a direct invitation by the NGL ONE, twelve spots will be given away in Qualifiers and the last four participants will be selected after a community poll.

The online season lasts twelve weeks - every player has to face two opponents every week. The ranking system is known from the ESL Pro Series competitions. At the end of the season the eight best players have to face offline; every participant receives 500$ travel cost support - 17,500$ in prize money will be given away at the online finals.

The spots for the Online Season will be given away by invitations, qualifiers and community polls.

- 8 participants via direct invitations (known invitations)
- 4 participants via community poll (list of nominees)
- 12 participants via Online Qualifiers

The Online Qualifiers will take place the next weekends - 32 players will get a chance to grab one of four spots in every invite tournament. All the games will be played in Best-of-Three and Double Elimination. The Qualifiers have been announced for the following dates:

- Saturday, 24th January
- Saturday, 31st January
- Saturday, 7th February

The MeetYourMakers duo Netherlands Manuel 'Grubby' Schenkhuizen and Korea, South Jang 'Moon' JaeHo has received a direct invitation and joined the list of participants in the upcoming NGL ONE 1on1 competition.

Comments (4)


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(7 months ago)  #1 __LoG
nice prizeee, really sweet!
(7 months ago)  #2 dgwt
go all!
(4 months ago)  #3 KylinAlexLee
good luck.
(4 months ago)  #4 MaNiAc_
gl hf

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Last update : 22.02.2009 21:22
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