
02nd September 2008, 20:00

Patience is a virtue (also I am lazy)



We the guys at MYM are awesome. When we are not having sex with women, drinking fancy beverages or drinking fancy beverages while having sex with women, we do something else. Well that’s not the point and it has nothing to do with what’s next, but I really wanted to get this off my chest. Anyway, what I wanted to mention is that starting with this issue, I will add a new section to my column, which will be comprised of 2 segments: the MYM vote and the fanmail.

The MYM vote will be about a topic that I found and it will not be gaming related. There is enough gaming news on the site, so give me a break.
The fanmail will be – surprisingly enough - about mail from fans. The idea behind this one is pretty simple: post a question to me here or via PM and the most interesting ones will be answered.
Now that I covered that, here is the newest column. Bon appetit!

 Next Page : The MYM vote and fanmail 

Comments (3)


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(last year)  #1 Lordofheroes
(last year)  #2 MYM-XiN
Cool =)
(12 months ago)  #3 fairy_funny
我一点不喜欢小苍的解说,我觉得还是请稻草芭比去解说更好...Magic yang 的也很好,很专业,知识丰富,不亏是战术大师。ppg输入中文可以用比较好的输入法,如:清华紫光的,或者搜狗的之类的。I am one of Grubby's fans,support him forever!

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