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Ardi: Oldest Human Skeleton Discovered, Bipedalism Origin May Be Revealed

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This kind of topic always will become poisoned by religion; because science triggers subconsciously something that says... science makes sense. this is threatening to them, I pose the following question-
why (myself included )is it that scientific minded individuals don't flock to religious website trying to debunk their beliefs?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:43 PM on 10/03/2009
- New DrFrescas I'm a Fan of DrFrescas 6 fans permalink

Because that would be retarded.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:11 AM on 10/04/2009
- colah I'm a Fan of colah 33 fans permalink

I find it amazing the lengths seemingly intelligent people will go to, to justify & defend the myth(s) that their parents brainwashed them with.

I dont care if you believe in a god, or ten gods, that is your personal right. But trying to twist & distort a completely flawed "document" (bible) to fit todays scientific revelations removes any & all credibility from your claims. A day is a million years...Hebrew says that.......the earth is only 6000 years just goes on & on, very similar to pathelogical lying. You have convinced yourself so completely that your only alternative is to believe.

Jeebus is a molecular biologist, and God is simply driving the spaceship. Theres your intelligent design.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:41 PM on 10/03/2009
- New pk4obama I'm a Fan of pk4obama 6 fans permalink

I believe in darwin's theory.... I don't believe in religion. It's basically a money making, brain washing system of control... this is an exciting find....for those that believe the earth is only 6,000 years old....need to pay attention.....can't wait to here what the bible thumpers have to say....

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:04 AM on 10/04/2009

How did this become a " God is really really real" discussion?

Check one, the theory that to god one day is billions or millions of days, is a religious cop out to not being able to explain the 7 days nonsense. That doesn't even touch on the world being Flat or 6000 years old myth.

No see this is actual proof of our past, not an imaginary arc or some other mindless pagan worship garbage, so if you want to seriously discuss it leave the cult worship nonsense out of it.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 08:03 PM on 10/03/2009

This kind of topic always will become poisoned by religion; because science triggers subconsciously something that says... science makes sense. this is threatening to them, I pose the following question-
why (myself included )is it that scientific minded individuals don't flock to religious website trying to debunk their beliefs?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:41 PM on 10/03/2009

"Therefore, we can argue that a human "day" could be millions of years to God."

Or vice-versa, of course (in the case of evolution).

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:54 PM on 10/03/2009

Well anything is possible in the mind of God...even good Science ;-)

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:41 PM on 10/03/2009

No, the idea of "time" is a concept that applies to the physical realm and restricts our understanding of things. The spiritual world is not bound by time. Therefore, we can argue that a human "day" could be millions of years to God.

The Big Bang is universally accepted as the beginning of natural/physical time. Many cosmologists believe that the universe is expanding and will do so forever, therefore it is infinite and will always remain so. That concept (something having no end) is difficult for us to accept, yet, the theory that our universe is infinite is also widely accepted.

Here's a better example. We know that if you begin with the number zero, and then head in both directions (negative and positive), then there will never be a beginning (negative #) nor and end (positive #). The number scale continues infinitely in both directions. This is truly incomprehensible - yet all of us accept it as fact.

That's the way I think of God:

1) God was always there, He has no beginning (think negative #'s)
2) The Big Bang represents the number zero (the beginning of what we call "time")
3) The universe and God will continue forever (think positive #'s).

A creator cannot be bound by the boundaries which govern its creation. The creator must exist beyond those boundaries. Therefore, God is not restricted by time, He existed before our time and will continue forever.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:46 PM on 10/03/2009
- New RedDogBear I'm a Fan of RedDogBear 51 fans permalink

"The spiritual world is not bound by time. Therefore, we can argue that a human "day" could be millions of years to God."

We COULD argue that? Are you arguing it or not? If you aren't clear on what you are saying so its hard to have a discussion. Your definition of God seems completely fuzzy, you can argue anything and I can't really debate intelligently until you provide some clear definition of God.

"Many cosmologists believe that the universe is expanding and will do so forever, therefore it is infinite and will always remain so. That concept ... is difficult for us to accept, yet, the theory that our universe is infinite is also widely accepted."
That doesn't make sense to me. You seem to be saying that some people believe the universe is infinite while others think it is infinite. So I guess its infinite? The concept of infinity is not hard for mathematicians or physicists. We deal with it all the time.

"1) God was always there, He has no beginning (think negative #'s)"
Negative numbers have a beginning. Its 0.

"2) The Big Bang represents the number zero (the beginning of what we call "time")"
That makes no sense to me. Zero is nothing. How is that the big bang?

"3) The universe and God will continue forever (think positive #'s)."
In other words its infinite. I get that. Lots of things are infinite besides positive numbers. Rational numbers, integers, negative numbers, ...

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:09 AM on 10/04/2009
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