Tuesday, Oct 27

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Tube Talk

Today: A catch up with Carlos 'Tony Almeida' Bernard - Carlos Bernard reflects on his return to 24 last season and discusses the possibility of the show ending.

Soap Spoilers

Neighbours: 5763: Sunny lashes out at Donna.
Wednesday, 17:30 on Five.

Home and Away: 4943: Charlie is named prime suspect.
Wednesday, 18:00 on Five.

Hollyoaks: 2678: Gilly and Cheryl kiss.
Wednesday, 18:30 on Channel 4.

Emmerdale: Vincent protests his innocence.
Wednesday, 19:00 on ITV1.

Coronation Street: Jake falls into Michelle's life.
Wednesday, 19:30 on ITV1.

EastEnders: Archie convinces Jack to keep seeing Sam.
Thursday, 19:30 on BBC One.

Tuesday's TV Picks

Our picks from Tuesday's primetime TV:

22.00Dollhouse (Sci-Fi)
20.00Stargate Universe (Sky1)
21.00Seven Days on the Breadline (ITV1)
20.00James May's Toy Stories (BBC2)