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Les Leopold: Why Billionaires Should Pay for the Jobless Recovery

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- deminmo I'm a Fan of deminmo 15 fans permalink

Who exactly was responsible for the original Wall
Street meltdown? No one ever investigated. Surely
they could trace trades. I think it was a planned
event, intended to cripple the economy, start us toward
Depression and put control into the hands of some of
the biggest money players, here in the US and in
international banking/speculation markets. Maybe
we haven't seen the rest of the bubbles yet.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:53 PM on 10/26/2009

Federal, individual taxation has created this unbelievable disparity.

The federal govt., by specification of the constitution, could levy certain monetary demands against the states to help support federal programs deemed necessary to avoid the prejudices of individual states. the true management of society was left to the states. the so-called income tax and its irs hitmen changed all that, without verifiable consent of the states.

state's rights became a sham, and still are. now taxes finance the massive excesses of the elite, who use ALL institutions in society to fleece the labor force, the children, the elderly, the sick and the ignorant.

i agree with one poster who simply said, in effect, that there will be NO really wealthy people, and NO really poor people. humans have no clue as to how little they actually need to live healthy, relatively stress free, productive and creative lives.

billionaires, and their close wannabes, are crazed and fearful parasites whose internal inadequacies are transferred to the 'poor' to cover their own zealous denials. wealth, other than the health of the planet's ecosystem, is a delusion of the reptile brain.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:32 PM on 10/26/2009
- DanBest I'm a Fan of DanBest 17 fans permalink

Overdog, do us all a favor. If you're going to go out of your way to defend the poor rich in this country then tell us where you stand economically. If you yourself are rich then I accept your rabid sefl interest. But if you aren't then explain why you aren't the ultimate patsy in this game. The rich depend on marks like you to go forth and defend them. But if no check is in the mail, then I really can't understand why anyone would defend the richest and most powerful against the weak. But then again I'm speaking to someone who hides behind the handle "overdog". Seems like you worship the rich and powerful.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:31 PM on 10/26/2009
- jinsei I'm a Fan of jinsei 20 fans permalink

That's exactly what I have been thinking! I am dismayed at the extent to which poor/middle class go to defend and help the stratospherically wealthy become entrenched.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 02:09 PM on 10/26/2009
- ram1952 I'm a Fan of ram1952 11 fans permalink

"Rich Germans Demand Higher Taxes"

No wonder, the Republicans are convinced Obama is a Nazi!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:03 PM on 10/26/2009
- Nonpartay I'm a Fan of Nonpartay 76 fans permalink

Very funny. But it seems the Germans are outclassing us when it comes to recognizing what would really help the situation. After all, if only the rich can afford to buy anything and everyone else is just scraping by, there won't be much money to buy the things the rich people produce and they will go under as well.

However, I do have to say I did hear that some rich people in our country were asking for the same thing a few months ago. They didn't feel they had made a sufficient sacrifice considering so many of our service people had gone to war and all they did was get a tax break.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:26 PM on 10/26/2009
- Chubbster I'm a Fan of Chubbster 26 fans permalink

As a broad generality it's not too challenging to outclass our peasnt culture.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 06:27 PM on 10/26/2009

If actually caring about the less fortunate in one's nation makes someone a Nazi, then I think the wealthy capitalist pigs here in the US could use a lesson in the thrid reich!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 01:27 PM on 10/26/2009
- Liberal2 I'm a Fan of Liberal2 31 fans permalink

The problem is the cuts to business and personal income tax rates since Kennedy. It has to do with an economic concept called the "tax shield."

When the max tax rate was 90%, a dollar invested in plan and equipment, or a raise in pay for workers, only cost the business owner ten cents. Income tax would have taken 90 cents of that dollar otherwise.

When tax rates fell from 90% to approximately 70% (Kennedy), the investor saw that 10 cents of profit after taxes triple to 30%....if it wasn't reinvested in P&E; or worker wages. That 30 cents profit after taxes has doubled again.

It is far better to move manufacturing to a country with near-slave labor, nonexistent pollution laws, etc., bcause that 10 cents profit after taxes has more than quintupled.So the profit of every dollar not spent on P&E; or labor today yields nearly six times what it did in 1960.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:52 PM on 10/26/2009
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