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  1. @flipgenie Despite @skydiver 's advice, dont mind helping efforts to engage eg #youngUKamabassadors, but your link doesn't appear to work.
  2. @JoannaLund Liked your comment on mature men dancing and the Humphries debate. (Sad bt True) + ur blog on usefulness of Facebook.
  3. @helenrf but it is entertaining!
  4. Blogs as Public Policy Forums (via @GoverningPeople) #gov20
  5. RT @GoverningPeople Open Government and Innovations Conference “TweetBook” (
  6. @r4today Not the Today programme's best day in terms of informing the public. Bit lazy really. Thankfully Radio 5 Live &CH4; more on the ball
  7. @ronskanky pretty much sums it up David
  8. BBC Radio 4 Today coverage of Twitter. Unimpressive. The Beeb falling into the trap of news as entertainment again. Public info this is not.
  9. @r4today Listening to the discussion. Come on. This deserves a much more serious debate BBC. Pls spk to those who use this professionally
  10. @r4today twitter is global not UK phenomena. 50% world not currently watching. Is that really JH's tweet? p'haps John needs to research 1st
  11. John Humphrys asks for Today listeners to send in their twits, or is it a tweet? Listen here - (via @r4today)
  12. @r4today I think the reaction rather proves the point John. For info Blogged yesterday on Reuters on about Govs & Twitter
  13. @McCainBlogette Liked the column. Some people do get over the human hardwiring of of seeing the world as "us & them" EK certainly one.
  14. @skydiver Found you through @MrTweet. Looking forward to your tweets!
  15. @PlaceFarm why did I forget to mention the JH factor in my Reuters blog post on Comms. I wonder.
  16. Just posted a new blog entry on Reuters The Great Debate " What Does Government 2.0 Mean To You?" #gov2 #diplomacy
  17. Morning Joe: Iran Offers Proposal for Nuclear Talks - (via @Cirincione)
  18. Stephen Hale hd of UK Foreign Office Digital Diplomacy seeks views on FCO Blogs Feedback will help us improve #gov20
  19. Thanks to Twitterati, Carne Ross and now academics for comments on my recent blog on Diplomacy. 3 very different views.
  20. David Miliband (UK For Min) Blogs on Africa becoming a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone The better news on the Disarmament front.