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Costs, Grants, and Scholarships Search
The amount it will cost a student to attend a school depends on the total cost (tuition, fees, room and board) minus any grants or scholarships for which a student qualifies. On this page you will be able to search for schools by total annual cost, as well as by the value of the grants and scholarships offered. For information about managing college costs, explore our Paying for College guide.

Total Costs Search
The total annual cost to attend college includes tuition and fees along with room and board. To find a list of schools within the total cost range you can afford, select minimum and maximum values from the dropdown menus or select 'No Preference' to view all options from lowest to highest cost. Once you have made your selection, click the 'search' button below.

Minimum amount:
toMaximum amount:

Grants Search
Many schools offer scholarships that will reduce a student's total college bill. For a list of schools offering grants, select minimum and maximum values from the dropdown menus or select 'No Preference' to view all options. Once you have made your selection, click the 'search' button below.

Minimum amount:
toMaximum amount:

Scholarships Search
Many schools offer scholarships that will reduce a student's total college bill. For a list of schools offering scholarships, select minimum and maximum values from the dropdown menus or select 'No Preference' to view all options. Once you have made your selection, click the 'search' button below.

Minimum amount:
toMaximum amount:

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