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Introduction: EU matters

UEFA has developed close ties with the European Union and its main institutions: the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers which represents the 27 Member States. We see the EU as a natural partner and work closely with its politicians and officials.

Our Brussels Office in the heart of the city's EU district represents UEFA's interests in the European capital and coordinates our day-to-day activities with the institutions.

UEFA's central aim is to ensure that EU policy respects the specificity of sport: the special characteristics that distinguish football and other sports from normal economic activity. We communicate UEFA policy to the EU institutions, and contribute to the growing European debate on sports policy.

The new EU Treaty, signed in 2007, includes a provision on sport for the first time. This will enable the EU to support and complement the existing sports policies of the EU's Member States, and will open a new chapter in European sports policy.

EU matters within UEFA are administered by the Communications division under director William Gaillard.

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