Esport News

31st August 2009, 22:00

Team Dignitas Revamp

dignitas, uk scene

Today, a much expected roster change leaves Dignitas with a whole new team after their disappointing result at i37.

After an upset LAN finish, placing behind Team CoolerMaster & Reason Gaming, Team Dignitas were expected to have dramatic roster changes, as always in the UK scene. After United Kingd- Luke "KritikaL" Green moved back to his former team, Fragmasters Toxic, the new Dignitas team was announced. Making Dignitas a whole new squad.   

The only surviver of the old team was the ex-birmingham salvo superstar United Kingd- Sam "Rattlesnk" Gawn, as the rest of the team was replaced by ex-members of Team CoolerMaster & Crack Clan. The Crack Clan Crew joining Dignitas are as follows: United Kingd- Tom "Beta" Hanna, United Kingd- Jim "mx" Smale & United Kingd- Lewis "Hughsy" Hughes. Also, an unexpected player joins Dignitas, United Kingd- James "Pez" Perrott, formally of Team CoolerMaster, joins to make the fifth, which was a surprise as Team CoolerMasters beat Dignitas in an upset victory in the UK's biggets LAN, i38. 

This leave's three of the UK's best source players, United Kingd- Dan "Re1ease" Mullen, United Kingd- James "wilzOOO" Wilson & United Kingd- Elliot "wez" Welsh teamless for now. 

But as the United Kingd- UK scene goes, there will my many more changes to come as organizations try and find their perfect team. 

Team Dignitas as follows: 

  • United Kingd- Sam "Rattlesnk" Gawn
  • United Kingd- Lewis "Hughsy" Hughes
  • United Kingd- Jim "mx" Smale
  • United Kingd- Tom "Beta" Hanna
  • United Kingd- James "Pez" Perrott



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(3 weeks ago)  #1 KrakatH
uk css, drama
(3 weeks ago)  #2 dexter1ty
idd, recently its "cool", to rebuild your whole team

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