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Warcraft 3

31st August 2009, 17:30

IEM Qualifications announced

chengdu, esl, grubby, iem, intel, lyn, moon, sky

IEM Chengdu will not be an invite-only tournament. Four players will be picked through a single-elimination qualification phase.

Sky, the reigning champion

According to ESL official website, Intel Extreme Masters, Chengdu stop will not be an invite-only tournament.

Beside eight players who will be invited directly, there's also an open to public qualification phase where 32 player will get the chance to fight for  a spot for the upcoming IEM.

The qualifications will be held through a single-elimination, best-of-three format. Four players will qualify for the finals in Chengdu and their travel expenses will be covered by ESL. The tournament is set to begin at Sunday, September 5th, 15:00 CET. All application must be sent to ESL before Thursday night, 23:59 CET. More information can be accessed at ESL World official website.

List of the invited attendees is yet to be announced by ESL; but players like Grubby, Sky, Moon and Lyn have good chances to get a slot.

Sky won the last IEM which was also held in Chengdu, China. He defeated Grubby with a 2-0 score and secured the title along with $5,000 in cash.

Photo courtesy of ESL


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(2 days ago)  #1 imported_ixion
I wanna see another Sky vs Grubby finals!
(2 days ago)  #2 KylinAlexLee
(2 days ago)  #3 eSubaswedic
what about DOta at EM CHengdu?
(2 days ago)  #4 underatker
what about it?/who cares?
(2 days ago)  #6 myMYM|GenoZStriker
Dota will have its local qualifiers in China. Top 4 teams get to compete for $15,000. Information about the qualifiers has already been released on sgamer for Asians. The tournament is aimed toward the Asian scene.
Demigod ESL 2v2 Opening Cup -
(2 days ago)  #5 Dolipp
"Note, however, that players will have to pay their travel costs themselves and get the expenses covered afterwards." -ESL

High possibilities of scam right there....
(2 days ago)  #7 myMYM|GenoZStriker
No ESL does pay up. Although they might have their contract with the players that they have the right to pay up in x.mount of month, they always end up paying the money they owe.
Demigod ESL 2v2 Opening Cup -
(2 days ago)  #8 MYM-GoSu
Good news but... need SC T.T

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