
09th February 2009, 12:50

How to play - HU vs HU

myMYM's Strategy Columnist Singapore Galvin 'Gosubay' Bay returns with his new article, this time guiding Human players at their mirror match-up.


As far as I can remember, the human mirror first started off with the typical AM/MK + Spell breaker/Priest combination. Then the tri-hero knight/mortar/priest combination emerged soon after, providing an effective counter to the former. These two strategies still form the core foundation of the modern HU vs HU matchup. However, minor technicalities such as timing, creeping patterns, and hero choices have been refined over the years, most of which were derived from Sky's numerous innovations with the Bloodmage and the Panda.

This article aims to introduce the various possibilities that you might face in a human mirror matchup and help you shape your thinking processes when faced with different situations. Hopefully all of you can take away something after reading this article. Much of the information in the article is derived from watching ToD's recent replays.

What else can we expect from Sky in the future?

 Next Page : Hero choices 

Comments (5)


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(6 months ago)  #1 iCicehsm
God hes good looking
re-inventing re-invention
(6 months ago)  #2 4KFKurail
rofl xD
Life is a bitch,so fuck her xD//Gaming Royalty//.
(6 months ago)  #3 KungfuMonkey
Ahahahahahh the lack of comments just prove how much of a fanbase you lost when you dropped mym wc3. Not that i didnt like the decision though.
Join the DarkSide. We have cookies
(6 months ago)  #4 __LoG
ToD is the model!
(5 months ago)  #5 kittenstomper

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