
16th February 2009, 14:50

Playerblog: MYM|TaZ Feb., 16th

MYM Player Blogs: TaZ

On the following pages you will find the blog entries from Meet Your Makers Counter-Strike player TaZ. Please notice that all blogs are written by the player himself, and show only the author's personal opinion.

The author writes about topics that concern him and that may be interesting for you guys out there, his fans. Updates are done weekly. If you try hard in the comments, maybe you will be able to convince TaZ to write even more blogs in the future.

Name: Wiktor Wojtas
Nickname: MYM|TaZ

Birthday: 06.06.1986
Country: Poland
Game: Counter-Strike

Comments (8)


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(4 months ago)  #1 4KFmatthe
top secret :> I guess it is the 29th ferbuary :P
╦╦╦╦╦╦╦ The fence of the Ancients ╦╦╦╦╦╦╦
(3 months ago)  #3 [SLO]Heldarion
what's on 29th February? :O
(3 months ago)  #4 4KFmatthe
Think a bit -.-
╦╦╦╦╦╦╦ The fence of the Ancients ╦╦╦╦╦╦╦
(3 months ago)  #5 [SLO]Heldarion
I know that it's a day every 4 years but that Ezail guy confused me with "so he has birthday every 4 years? :p nice read, thx for this!" while Taz's birthday is 06.06.1986. So I dunno wtf you mean =)
(3 months ago)  #7 4KFmatthe
It was once "top secret". After that someone added the date..
╦╦╦╦╦╦╦ The fence of the Ancients ╦╦╦╦╦╦╦
(4 months ago)  #2 Ezail
so he has birthday every 4 years? :p nice read, thx for this!
For me, music and life are all about style.
(3 months ago)  #6 proAproAJune91
i was born in June, too ;P

Fear is not what I'll get. It is what I've created myself
(2 months ago)  #8 pG^-ky4ence-
No team,No game,No playing,No Fame...

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