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IMDb > Orson Welles (Character)
Orson Welles
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Orson Welles (Character)
from Ed Wood (1994)

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US Home Video Trailer from Touchstone
US Home Video Trailer from Touchstone
The mostly true story of the legendary director of awful movies and his strange group of friends and actors.

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Alternate Names:
Young Orson Welles


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  1. Me and Orson Welles (2008) Played by Christian McKay
  2. FourAct Play (2007) Played by Samir Kandil
  3. Man in the Chair (2007) Played by Jodi Ashworth
  4. "The Simpsons"
        - Treehouse of Horror XVII (2006) TV episode, Played by Maurice LaMarche
  5. Fade to Black (2006/I) Played by Danny Huston
  6. Grover's Mill (2006) Played by Don Knodel
  7. "Days That Shook the World"
        - Fact or Fiction: The War of the Worlds and the Hitler Diaries (2005) TV episode, Played by Martin Sherman / Edward Bartlett (as Young Orson Welles)
  8. Five Minutes, Mr. Welles (2005) Played by Vincent D'Onofrio
  9. Citizen Welles (2004) Played by Carsten Hayes

  10. RKO 281 (1999) (TV) Played by Liev Schreiber / Aaron Keeling (as Young Orson Welles)
    ... aka RKO 281: The Battle Over Citizen Kane (USA: video box title)
  11. Cradle Will Rock (1999) Played by Angus Macfadyen
  12. Orson Welles Sells His Soul to the Devil (1999) Played by Kevin Keaveney
  13. "Pinky and the Brain"
        - Whatever Happened to Baby Brain/Just Say Narf (1998) TV episode, Played by Jim Cummings
  14. Vengeance de la femme en noir, La (1997) Played by Jean Guérin
  15. Ed Wood (1994) Played by Vincent D'Onofrio / Maurice LaMarche
  16. Heavenly Creatures (1994) Played by Jean Guérin
    ... aka Heavenly Creatures: The Uncut Version (USA: longer version)
    ... aka Himmlische Kreaturen (Germany)
  17. "The Critic"
        - Eyes on the Prize (1994) TV episode, Played by Maurice LaMarche

  18. Malice in Wonderland (1985) (TV) Played by Eric Purcell
    ... aka The Rumor Mill
  19. Rita Hayworth: The Love Goddess (1983) (TV) Played by Edward Edwards
  20. All Star Comedy (1982) (TV) Played by Kenneth H. Hawryliw

  21. The Night That Panicked America (1975) (TV) Played by Paul Shenar

Additional Details

Drama / Comedy / Short / Animation more

Fun Stuff

From RKO 281 (1999) (TV)
Herman J. 'Mank' Mankiewicz: What about Marion?
Orson Welles: Another animal in his zoo.
Herman J. 'Mank' Mankiewicz: That is love to him. "I love you, I built you a beautiful cage."


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