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Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao

The Ranking

70.00% Overall Rank: n/a
Xbox 360 Rank: n/a
2009 Games Rank: n/a
2009 Xbox 360 Rank: n/a
Score based on 2 reviews


Han Tao will face a cavalcade of enemies, ranging from henchmen to undead horrors, in his quest to recover the sacred Star of Destiny. Luckily, Han Tao is well-versed in intense combos, slick counter-moves, the art of deadly weapons, and mystical Zen attacks. By filling up Han Tao’s Zen Meter with punishing combos and well-timed dodges, players can unlock the full potential of his power and decimate the opposition. Sliding down ropes, going through doors, climbing up poles or jumping on roofs, Han Tao is also able to use his environment to quickly escape danger or catch enemies off guard.
Release Date: August 26, 2009

Latest Articles

IGN 08/26/09 Review 6.6 out of 10
TeamXbox 08/26/09 Review 7.4 out of 10
GameSpot 02/23/09 Screenshots n/a

Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao Resources
