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Against the Grain



Stating the Obvious by Workin' Tommy C.

Lindsey Graham is the "Corporate Welfare Queen" of the U.S. Senate.  He has never met a corporate donor that he didn't like enough to not hump his leg for campaign cash.  His only real objections to Obama's unprecedentedly massive corporate welfare scheme is that Graham's own special interests and campaign donors didn't get paid enough to keep Lil' Lindsey in their laps.

The Queen had $4-6 million in his campaign war chest to win his last US Senatorial campaign plus the incumbent's advantage of having requested more that $305 million in earmarks in fiscal year 2007 alone.

Lindsey Graham is a little man both in stature and in personality.  He's got the typical Napoleon complex you can see in so many little men who've tasted power and find it as an outlet to compensate for their stature about which they are sensitive to the point of obsession.  Graham builds himself up in his mind to be something far beyond the small man he is.  He teams up with powerful figures like John McCain and travels over the world meeting with foreign governmental and industry leaders, clearly stepping all over the executive's branch Constitutional role as the sole player in foreign affairs. 

All of this may help Graham achieve personal career goals in his quest to be much more than he already is.  There's just one problem much bigger than he'll ever be: Graham is so feminine in mannerisms and speech as to appear "dainty."  Don't let him fool you, though.  He is spiteful and doesn't hesitate to publicly call those who dare to protest his anti-American voting record as "idiots" or "bigots."

Lindsey Graham's arrogance is on a scale unimagined even for politicians.  He lies with the facility of the  most gifted lawyers and will tap dance his way through his responses when put under pressure by voters.  His big disadvantage in such situations, however, is that he blushes like a little girl when called on the carpet about his anti-Constitutional voting record.  That may be why he wears so much make-up on TV (easily visible if watching in high definition, by the way).

Graham plays lip service to those who oppose abortion but votes for Federal money to continue to go to pay for abortions.  He is nothing but a typical, corrupt backstabbing politician who hopes to run for President in the tradition of John McCain (i.e. ignoring his home state and voting and participating in various vote leverage "gangs" so as to ingratiate himself with the "opposing party" at every opportunity).  He is not just a neo-con RINO, he is a HINO--"Human In Name Only."

Lindsey Graham has betrayed US citizens repeatedly in his supporting amnesty and his refusal to fight to close down the Mexican border where 90+% of the illegal drugs (including heroin from the Middle East) and many terrorists come from. 

85+% of the illegals entering this country test positive for TB infection whereas less than 5% of our native born citizens do.  (Their own countries have no public health care system to speak of and TB and hepatitis and other diseases are very common.)  It won't be long before that 5% TB infection rate increases dramatically and we'll be facing the "white plague" again.

Crime was dropping precipitously here in the US due to the demographic shift of our population before the illegals messed things up.  Thanks to the massive illegal alien crime wave--especially where foreign drug pushing gangs are concerned--thousands of U.S. citizens are dying or being maimed at the hands of thugs who should have never been allowed in this country to begin with.

Rapes of women and children are committed by many men from third world countries where such crimes are very rarely investigated and even more rarely prosecuted.  Elites like Lindsey Graham don't care what happens to those of us who live in the real world.  We suffer and Lil' Lindsey profits by this new slave trade that benefits businesses and  politicians like him at the expense of taxpayers.

In addition to this, people from third world countries with little or no experience in a modern country have been driving drunk and otherwise killing and injuring our loved ones, including many hundreds of children.  My own mother was partially disabled after the driver of a car load of illegal aliens crashed into her car and then disappeared--never showing up in court.

Lindsey admires the banana republics south of the border where very small ruling and middle classes manage the 90% of the population like herds of hidebound cattle.  It is apparent that he dreams of that sort of power here as well.


