"Those who say it cannot be done should not interfere with those of us who are doing it"© - S. Hickman 


Against the Grain Press
Loss of Liberty Revealed

Tommy C.

Livid Leigh

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Against the Grain




When all government...shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided... and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."

- Thomas Jefferson, August 1821

Government Sites and Databases
the more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws...Tacitus(55-117 A.D.)

US Government Patent Office database
105th Congress Bills--Thomas
Government  Database list

Legal Research
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it...

 The 'Lectric Law Library's Reference Room

 Findlaw Law crawler
Washlaw search

Online Dictionaries

Tax Resources
IRS Motto..We've got what it takes to take what you've got.
Here, dear reader,  you are responsible for your own interpretations and actions.
NO ONE can give you an education.....you must take it yourself

Citizens Against Government Waste
Official Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA)
Get a Warrant
the Ultimate Lawsuit (Bob Shultz)
 IRS Abuse Reports submitted to Congress

Just what part of "Shall not be infringed" don't you understand...?

Gun Owners of America ...GOA
SC Firearms    Grassroots
National Rifle Association...NRA

what can I say..? this is REAL news
John Wrisley
(our hero)
Fred Reed
Tennessee tax Revolt
the Drudge Report
American Policy Center
the Idaho Observer
J.A.I.L. (judicial accountability)
World Net Daily
Global News from Everywhere


Keeping a eye on Government

the Voluntaryist
the money behind Congress (why you have no input to Government)
Criminals and Government


Health Boards
Alternative Health (Rife)


Alternative energy Otherpower 
 How does it work..?
Wacky Uses of Stuff
Tesla patents (Keelynet)

  condition of our little round ball
In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's
nuclear weapons combined.

Volcano info
 Survival and Self-sufficiency links
 the Weather Channel

Do it yourself....interesting sites

Build your own Generator

 Make your own Charcoal

"X" Privacy and other STUFF
Enter here at your own discretion..whining and sniveling about the content will
get you nowhere.

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