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Iran hard-liners, reformists trading threats

Rival camps within Iran's corridors of power intensified their threats against each other Friday, signaling potentially dangerous...

Chronicle 8.15.09 4:00 AM

Hamas forces, Islamic radicals battle - 13 dead

Islamic radicals from an al Qaeda-inspired group battled Hamas security in the Gaza Strip on Friday in shootouts that killed at least...

Chronicle 8.15.09 4:00 AM

Public sentiment solidly against BART strike

In a state where the unemployment rate tops 10 percent, BART workers who expect public support for their planned strike Monday against...

Chronicle 8.15.09 4:00 AM

Obama giving health care critics upper hand

A president famous for his campaign skills has let the opposition define the debate on health care reform, the central issue of his...

Chronicle 8.14.09 4:00 AM

Observers see fraud flourish before Afghan vote

Voting observers expect fraud during next week's Afghan presidential election and warn that cheating will most likely take place at...

Chronicle 8.14.09 4:00 AM

North Korea frees South Korean worker

A 44-year-old South Korean worker held in North Korea since March was released Thursday after a visit to Pyongyang by a prominent...

Chronicle 8.14.09 4:00 AM

IOU era ends in September, controller says

California can finally stop issuing IOUs on Sept. 4 and end a "shameful chapter in the state's history," state Controller John Chiang...

Chronicle 8.14.09 4:00 AM

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