Affectionate men photo gallery

I don't recall exactly when I developed a passion for the "affectionate men" genre of photographs. There seemed to be a certain societal discomfort with men showing affection for each other. I think that's the reason I was drawn to it.

I never speculate as to the sexual orientation of the people in the photos. That's in the eyes of the beholder. There are more and more books published with collections in the category. There's "Affectionate Men," "Picturing Men" and "Dear Friends." I think my favorites are military men showing affection, particularly during WWII. There are two books that I know of that deal with the subject, "At Ease" and "The Men of WWII."

The same social discomfort doesn't seem to extend to women showing affection toward each other. I do collect some photos in the genre, particularly those where the display is less than subtle. I like photos of women shown in roles that were typically thought of as male roles back in the day, such as military, hunters, aviators, or just dressed in male garb. There's a great book on that subject, "Women in Pants." I'll share some of these photos at a later time.

In the meantime, here are some photos from my affectionate men collection. I hope you enjoy them and welcome you to share yours.

Posted By: Max Garrone (Email) | August 19 2009 at 08:16 AM

Listed Under: vintage photographs