
About David Wood, Attraction Marketing Coach

Ashley and I just before getting married

Ashley and I just before getting married


My name is David Wood, and I am an attraction marketing coach in the Network Marketing industry.  I grew up in Fairbanks, Ak where I lived from the time I was born until the age of 19.

At 19 years of age, I moved to England for 2 years where I did missionary work for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints.

After my missionary trip, I moved to Arizona where I went through extreme struggle and financial difficulty.  I started selling alarm systems in the hot summers door to door, and eventually I learned the secrets of being successful in sales and started outperforming 95% of the sales population in every company I ever worked for.

I eventually made my way to the MLM, or Network Marketing industry where I initially built an organization doing more than $100,000 per month in global sales in less than six month – selling vitamins.

After working on that business for 2 years, I decided that it was not the right long term fit for me, and I decided to take action building another empire in the personal development industry – and since have become a well paid and successful marketing coach within the Network Marketing industry.

My current company is iLearningGlobal, and my team is the fastest growing team in the world of attraction marketing affiliated with iLearningGlobal.

If you want to learn how to build your ilearningglobal business online, visit my attraction marketing system website at:

In 2007, I eloped with my wife, Ashley Needles in Hollywood, CA, and since that time I have been traveling and enjoying my life, spending time with my family and working on my internet marketing business.

Life is good, as they say, and looking to get better.  In this blog, I hope to empower you to reach unlimited levels of success with your company, and to raise the bar in the world of Network Marketing all together.

Warmest Regards,

David Wood