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Jack_'s Comments

  • EDG146.pop.jpg

    Personally I can't stand the new PoP, or the Prince's relationship with that... thing. It's like if four different writers who never communicated with each other tried so hard to give her a personality that she just ended up with one for each.

    Oh, and the gameplay is just a glorified series of quicktime events. In Sands of Time you felt like you had an idea of where you were going and where you hoped to end up, and you carved your path through the world like that; in 2008 you're just pressing the buttons it tells you to until you reach one of those magic circles that throw you randomly across the landscape, which all function the same, except one of them has Elika puttering around flying looking for something to make you dodge.

    Combat, like the platforming, looks pretty but is only barely interactive, and again, like the platforming, you're just watching the same animations over and over again, it's not like it's any fun.

    In short, dull gameplay does not make for relaxing gameplay.

  • halo anime.jpg

    They're starting with God of War.

  • halo anime.jpg

    Yeah, a joystick's better than WASD, but a keyboard's got a controller beat for inventory access for sheer number of buttons on the thing.

    Regardless, if games on a PC allow you to use a controller anyway, what's this giant barrier that's stopping people from playing games on both console and PC? What's the difference?

    I just finished building my first gaming PC last Friday. And already, after one week, it's hard to go back to dual analog; I've spent thousands of hours on console FPSes! Do you personally play games with a mouse and keyboard?

  • halo anime.jpg

    But why draw a line between console gaming and PC gaming? They're all just games. If that's the game's only strength, that was on a console as opposed to PC, I'm not seeing why I should care about the game (or anyone else).

  • hollywood b.jpg

    The reason to divorce them is so that we stop getting so many shitty games. I hate to be the resident Yahtzee parrot, but see his Ghostbusters review -- it explains it well.

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