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School Information

Use these pages to find more information about schools in Sheffield.
  • Schools List - this is a downloadable list which gives a details of all schools and other educational establishments in the City with contact addresses, telephone numbers, emails and contact names
  • School Budgets - this section provides information on individual school budgets
  • School Websites - this list gives the website addresses for schools in the City

Types and numbers of schools in Sheffield


Early Years

The Early Years Education and Childcare Service manages 9 nurseries and young children centres.


There are 137 schools in the city offering primary education for children between the ages of 5 to 11 (included in this figure is one 3-16 middle deemed secondary.)  All schools are non-selective, mixed sex schools.


There are 25 schools in the City offering comprehensive education for young people between the ages of 11 and 16 (included in this figure is one 3-16 middle deemed secondary and one secondary school, King Edward VII which has two sites.) All schools are non-selective, mixed sex schools. 7 of these schools have sixth forms offering education up to the age of 19. These are:
  • All Saints Catholic High
  • High Storrs
  • King Ecgbert
  • King Edward VII(offered at the Glossop Road site)
  • Notre Dame Catholic High
  • Silverdale
  • Tapton

Sixth form college

There is one sixth form college (Longley Park) in the city.

Special needs provision

There are 13 Special schools and a number of Integrated Resource Units in mainstream schools.


There are two academies in the City run by the United Learning Trust (ULT)

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