Insight Product Overview - Gain Rapid Business Insights for Retail
Insight Product Tour - Gain Rapid Business Insights for Retail
Insight - Jupiter: Retaining Customers as they Migrate Between Channels

Insight for Retail—Rapid Business Decisions for Retail


Omniture Insight™ for Retail provides organizations with rapid business insights using real-time analysis of very large volumes of continuously changing point-of-sale and kiosk data. Insight correlates that data to online interactions for a deeper understanding of customer responses across multiple channels. Insight is part of the Omniture Online Marketing Suite of applications for online business optimizations.

Business Challenges

Customers interact with retailers through a variety of channels including over the Internet, at a store or kiosk, or over the phone. Typically, a customer will interact with a retailer through a combination of touch points to make a purchase decision. However, organizations are challenged with correlating information across multiple channels to better understand customer behavior patterns and interactions.


Insight for retail channel analytics helps analyze point-of-sale and kiosk data, and correlate those with online customer interactions.

  • Data Collection Sources

    Data collection for online and offline channels to better understand cross-channel customer behavior.
  • Customer Pathing Across Channels

    Customer pathing across online and offline interactions channels.
  • Geographical Analysis

    Powerful visualization of demographic and competitive data to identify new store locations.
  • Data Segmentation

    Unlimited customer segmentation for purchase propensity scoring and customer attrition analysis.
  • Free-form Querying

    Add new dimensions on the fly to adjust analysis for seasonality and product category changes.

Data Collection

  • Flexible data collection options from one or multiple sources including delimited, XML and ODBC formats
  • Easily load integration meta-data about customers, products, or campaigns
  • Collect data in real-time or batch mode

Extract Transform and Load (ETL)

  • Easily extend the data schema for analysis
  • Visibility into processing steps for data validation and auditing
  • Automated system checkpoints for faster data reprocessing and recovery
  • Extensive data transformation options include parse, append, merge, and categorizing of data for processing and extraction

Rapid Performance

  • Parallel processing for greater performance and scalability
  • ‘Whole dataset’ processing on billions of records at a time
  • Randomized statistical technique that provides approximate results for trends analysis immediately, queries refined incrementally until query completion


  • Visualizations include line and bar charts, tables, scatter plots, 2D and 3D process maps, path browsers, and worksheets
  • Automatically add color coded legends for better visualization
  • Setup visual markets before or after any event to track activities and trends over time
  • Visualize spatial data such as customer, store, ATM, or competitor locations on interactive global maps

Advanced Segmentation and Filtering

  • Create an unlimited number of real-time segments based on any data in the data set
  • Filter Editor provides comprehensive logic to create segments and subsets of an entire dataset
  • Segment Export to group customers and export on a one-time or continuous basis to external systems


  • N-dimensional analysis capabilities to automatically correlate and cross-tab all data
  • Share dimensions, metrics, and analysis workspaces to collaborate with colleagues
  • Annotation call-outs for data clarification and explanation
  • Excel-like worksheets to build scenarios and KPI dashboards
  • Navigate from high-level trends to contributing data at its most granular level
  • Data correlations and confidence metrics guide user analysis and validate conclusions

Retail Channel Reporting, Dimensions and Metrics

  • High-quality reports can be printed or exported to Microsoft Office products
  • Ability to export both pre-processed and post-processed data to other systems such as a data warehouse
  • Omniture Consulting provides retail channel specific reports and workspaces. Examples include: Basket analysis, Geographic Summary, Purchase sequencing analysis, Competitor location analysis, Sales summary, Demographic analysis, Store analysis
  • Omniture Consulting provides dimensions and metrics. Examples include: Demographic data, Customer profitability, Purchase amount, Number of transactions, Total and average revenue, Total and average margin, Revenue per customer, Store name