Status of Alberta Wildlife

Last revised/updated June 6, 2008

Every five years, the Fish and Wildlife Division of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development reviews the general status of wildlife species in Alberta. These overviews, which have been conducted in 1991 (The Status of Alberta Wildlife), 1996 (The Status of Alberta Wildlife), 2000 (The General Status of Alberta Wild Species 2000), and 2005 (The General Status of Alberta Wild Species 2005) assign individual species “ranks” that reflect the perceived level of risk to populations that occur in the province. Such designations are determined from extensive consultations with professional and amateur biologists, and from a variety of readily available sources of population data. A key objective of these reviews is to identify species that may be considered for more detailed status determinations.

The Alberta Wildlife Status Report Series is an extension of the general status exercise, and provides comprehensive current summaries of the biological status of selected wildlife species in Alberta. Priority is given to species that are At Risk or May Be At Risk in the province, that are of uncertain status (Undetermined), or that are considered to be at risk at a national level by the
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).

Links to the detailed status reports for such species are found on this page. Reports in this series are published and distributed by the Alberta Conservation Association and the Fish and Wildlife Division of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. They are intended to provide detailed and up-to-date information that will be useful to resource professionals for managing populations of species and their habitats in the province. The reports are also designed to provide current information that will assist Alberta’s Endangered Species Conservation Committee in identifying species that may be formally designated as Endangered or Threatened under Alberta’s Wildlife Act. To achieve these goals, the reports have been authored and/or reviewed by individuals with unique local expertise in the biology and management of each species.

Detailed status reports on Alberta's wild species

Plants and Invertebrates Plants and Invertebrates
Mammals Mammals
Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish
Birds Birds
Chickadee Archived Reports

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2000-2008 Government of Alberta.

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The text and graphics may not be used for other purposes without written permission from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.