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Home BLOGS Drew Tinnin INTERNal Injuries blog #3: The Studio

INTERNal Injuries blog #3: The Studio

FANGORIA RADIOFirst off, I would like to solemnly swear that I, Drew Blood, will not partake in the use of stupid puns on the name Sirius.

(Example: I will not say, “but Siriusly folks…” hahahahaha! Nor any variation thereof…)

If you want puns you know where to turn dear readers; yes, Mr. Kaufman I’m looking at you, and I think your blog is eggcellent. Now that that’s out of the way we can continue with the blog of an intern (which sounds way too much like “the bog of eternal stench” from LABYRINTH but I digress).

REPORT: The first FANGORIA RADIO show at Sirius studios

Walked over with Debbie Rochon to 49th street and Avenue of the Americas, which is only a couple blocks down from the FANGORIA office. Lucky for me, because it was freezing AND I was making a complete ass out of myself talking with Debbie. She was completely accommodating and made me feel at ease on the walk over though, which is not surprising as she’s attended countless conventions before and I’m sure she’s gotten the autographing “polite brush off” technique down pat when she feels like a fan is a little…”off,” let’s say.

Security in this building deserves its own paragraph at least. It is incredibly strict and if after showing ID you’re not found on the database, you can consider yourself arrested. Yet they take your picture with a 5 cent webcam that once developed looks like the Rorschach test interpretation of your face. In other words, it’s not exactly a great security photo when I could be on the run and over the intercom and you might as well hear, “Be on the lookout! Corey Feldman is loose in the building!”

Sirius studios and FANGORIA RADIO are located on the 36th floor. I, of course, had to take the stairs because Debbie insisted on being alone in the elevator. I’m guessing she was not looking forward to the idea of being alone with the Drewster in such close proximity. Taking the stairs did remind me, however, of what a great movie GHOSTBUSTERS is.

Fast forward to the actual show. I was told to just sit back and watch because I’m apparently too much of a moron to jump right in. I saw Mike “the dictator” Kostel for the second time (originally met him during the now infamous Intern Olympics segment), and he seems to be convinced that I am too nice and eventually will crack, killing everyone in my path. Well, the table is still open and all bets are on!


  1. Drew, what have I told you about talking to the "talent"? Great read as always!
  2. Nice way to work in a Corey Feldman reference Drew!!!

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