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The Stages of the Creative Process
from God's Infinite Light to Our Physical World

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Or Ein Sof ("God's Infinite Light")
Sod Ha'Tzimtzum ("The Secret of 'Contraction'")
Adam Kadmon ("Primordial Man")
Akudim, Nekudim, Brudim ("Binding, Points, Connection")
Keter D'Atzilut ("The 'Crown' of Emanation")
Olam Ha'Atzilut ("The World of Emanation")
ABiYA (The Four Worlds: Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, Asiyah)

Akudim, Nekudim, Brudim ("Binding, Points, Connection")
Three stages of "lights" and "vessels" resulting from the lights which emanated from Adom Kadmon.

Olam Ha'Akudim Olam Ha'Nekudim Olam Ha'Brudim

Olam Ha'Brudim--Olam Ha'Tikkun
The World of "Connectedness"--The World of Rectification

After the breaking of the vessels of the world of Nekudim, God emanated a new light from the "forehead" of Ak. This light descended to the same realm that had been occupied by the world of Nekudim (from the "naval" of Ak to the bottom of his "feet"). The power and purpose of this new light is to rectify and "resurrect" the broken vessels of tohu. Within the realm of the world of Atzilut (to be described in length), this process of rectification is complete. Within the realm of the three lower worlds, Briah Yetzirah and Asiyah, the rectification process depends upon the service of Israel, in whose Divine soul shines the new light whose power it is to rectify reality.

In essence, all souls of Israel relate to this level. All are "second" emissaries who succeed in their task that God become "King of earth," in virtue of their innate and intrinsic state of self-nullification and existential selflessness (bitul) in the presence of God.

In the terminology of Kabbalah, the new light of Berudim is referred to as the Name Mah (the full spelling of God's essential Name Havayah which equals 45). As a word, Mah means "what [am I?]," the word used by Moses to express his existential selflessness. The vessels of tohu with their sparks of life-force are referred to as the Name Ban (the full spelling of God's essential Name Havayah which equals 52).

The "secret" of the rectification process is that every point of the Name Ban be "married" by the soul of its corresponding "soul-mate" inherent in the Name Mah. Mah, the rectifying power, represents the male component of the marriage, whereas Ban, the actual reality to be rectified, represents the female component of the marriage.

Thus, the world of rectification is the world of "marriage." In the previous state of being, the world of tohu, the "kings" were unmarried. In fact they were too immature to marry. The world of rectification corresponds to the psychological and physiological state of maturity necessary for marriage. In the Zohar, this rectified state is referred to as "perfect balance," where the two male and female components present and united within every point of reality are "face to face."

In the world of rectification, each of the initial points of the vessels of tohu have matured from "point" to "line" to "area." Rectified consciousness is thus one of possessing "area." In the words of our forefather Jacob (who represents in Kabbalah the world of rectification), the state of "point" is referred to by the idiom of "stone" (even); the state of "line" by "monument" (matzeivah); and the state of "area" by "house" (bayit). Our sages teach us that in order to reach the full rectified consciousness of "man" (adam, Israel is called adam) one must possess a house, the complete consciousness of "area"--the "area" necessary to do one's "work" as emissary and servant of God.


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Gal Einai Institute of Israel The material contained on this site has been prepared by
Gal Einai Institute
a non-profit organization dedicated to disseminating and implementing the inner wisdom of Torah--Kabbalah and Chassidut
as taken from the teachings of
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh
Kabbalah and Chassidut - The Inner Wisdom of Torah
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