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March 17
An all-purpose excuse that people use during a recession to justify doing things that are below their usual standard. Often these things in reality have little or nothing to do with the economic circumstances.
Harry: "You took your girlfriend to Applebee's on Valentine's Day? Pretty weak."
Larry: "Whatever man, I didn't have a choice. Bad economy."

Senator: "Mr. Paulson, you really want to give the greedy, soulless bankers who caused this mess $700 billion with no strings attached?"
Henry Paulson: "Hey guys, bad economy. Just do it."
Senator: "Good point. I vote yes."

Fred: "Dude, tell me you didn't go home with that broke down 300-pound whale I saw you with at O'Shea's last night."
Brendan: "Dude, it's a bad economy. I'll take what I can get."
Fred: "Yeah, I guess you have to."
March 16
Person who feels as though Whole Foods is so expensive that in order to get their money's worth, they have to try every sample available, often multiple times
That place is expensive, but he's a Whole Grazer so he just wanders around eating samples until he has eaten so much that it has paid for his groceries
March 15
A group of friends on Twitter (social network) that are planning to meet up. A request by a user to meet with friends via Twitter.
Hey @user1 and @user2, u guys wanna tweetup at the Nickelback concert at Mariner?
March 14
Two or more words that are spelt out using the same series of keys in a text message.
Guy is a textagram of Ivy. Anna is a textagram of Bomb.
March 13
Being inundated and exhausted trying to be on top of all your email 24/7 with your handheld mobile device
Now that I have a BlackBerry, I feel obliged to attend to all my email day and night, it makes me feel BlackBuried
March 12
The practice of spending time unproductively on social-networking websites, especially when one should be working.
Joe - Hey, Mark is constantly updating his Facebook status, does he not have any work to do?

John - His company obviously doesnt realise how much Social Notworking he is doing!
March 11
sky up---to exit-to leave a place--to leave town.
This party is bogus, time foe me to sky up!