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Fable III revealed by... Jonathan Ross

And it doesn't sound like a wight load of wubbish
A third instalment in Lionhead's Fable series has been name dropped by who else but television personality Jonathan Ross.

Apparently (according to him, anyway) the ever-offensive television and radio presenter was offered a voice part in the third game by the boys at Lionhead, at the BAFTAs last night, where it won big in the Action and Adventure category.

"Goodnight all. Must go to bed. Got asked to do voice in Fable 3 tonight. Subarashi. Oyasuminasia. Woss out," he 'twittered'.

Sorry, did he says Fable 3? "Yes they are doing it," Ross replies to a baffled Twitter mate. "Charlie Brooker said he would do a voice for it too! Great fun!!"

The next morning, no doubt with a sore head, Ross says he must apologize to Peter Molyneux because "I think I revealed something that was not officially announced yet..."

Whoops. We've left a message with Lionhead.

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Posted by monkey_puncher
Heh, silly Woss!

That's pretty excellent anyway, Stephen Fry's voice work in Fable 2 was excellent so it's good to see more English funny folk get onboard.
To be fair though it would of been more of a shock announcement if he'd told the world they weren't making Fable 3. The real question is whether its coming out for the 360 or not.
Posted by Little Moth
Hmm... it took them around 4 years to make Fable II, and if the next Xbox is going to be released in 2011-12, Fable III could very well be a launch game for it.

Anyway, this is great news, I loved Fable II despite it being a bit of a dissapointment.
Posted by Black Mantis
Cool. I wonder if they'll set it another 500 years onwards.
Posted by DazedandConfused
Considering Lionhead is owned by Microsoft i'd say that a 360 release is a given.

Unless you meant it may be being developed for the next gen MS console.
Posted by BYDO
He's everywhere on TV, radio, film (shrek 2) and now hes going to ruin my beloved Bioshock! PWICK!! :twisted:
Posted by Black Mantis
Posted by BYDO
Phew! I had just read the little sister story and then this. The two must have got mixed up in my tiny bwain!
*panic over*
Posted by Little Moth
Yeah that's what I meant, the time frame would be right in my opinion and Fable III would sell very very well as a launch title for the new Xbox.
Posted by _Marty_
Does this spell the end of Fable 2 DLC?
Posted by Dajmin
You're joking, right? You've seen the speed of Lionhead's planning and development stages :)
Posted by Little Moth
What does it matter? Knothole Island was nothing special anyway. I think developers like Bethesda need to stop concentrating so much on DLC and focus on getting new IPs out there.
Posted by Black Mantis
I wouldn't think so. I'm guessing they'll just be planning at this point, which would only involve a handful of people such as Molyneux and not the programmers etc.
that's what i meant.

I agree that it'll more than likely be a launch title for the next MS console, or released pretty soon after.

Hope its set in a victorian albion.
Posted by RandyChimp
**** jonathan ross, did i just read that correctly? Charlie Brookers doing a voice for it aswell? Well, hot damn, I really want Fable 3 now!
Posted by KMakawa
Calm down folks, Fable III isn't until late this year, early next year.
Posted by ParmaViolet
It wouldn't surprise me if it was a lot sooner than that - I can't see it taking as long as the gap between Fable and Fable 2.

Posted by kimoak
Replacing the 'Rs' with 'Ws' C&VG? Very original :)
Posted by pherik
Are you talking about the time in the story, or the development time?

On the developement side, it shouldn't take as long to get Fable 3 out since all the core technology is place already, though I guess it would just depend on how grand the plans are for the game... you know what Peter is like!
Posted by ParmaViolet
I meant the development time. I imagine they've had plenty of ideas being thrown around since before the second was released - plus, the Dev team would have learnt a lot in the time spent on Fable 2 about how to get things working quickly....

....actually, it's probably just wishful thinking on my part - I'd love another Fable as soon as possible. In fact, I'm off back to Albion tonight after thinking about it this morning.

Posted by headspin
cant wait for this game, although this time i hope they call the town something different (i cant bring myself to say the name of the town) as im a woves fan.... :evil:
Posted by roland82
Rossy also did a secret voice for Halo 3.
Posted by Black Mantis
You mean the land of (West Brom)Albion? I doubt they'll ditch it as they like to show how its evolved. You must be a hardcore Wolves fan if you can't say the name!
Posted by KMakawa
Based on what several staff members have told me from Lionhead (mostly woody),
Development time is late this year/next year.

It may not take long for the gap, but you got to remember they have to add more features, and make entirely new models and landscapes etc.
Not only that music, and voice-overs.

Which lionhead are starting for voice-overs in the upcoming few months.
Posted by ParmaViolet
I know the voice-over stuff for Fable 2 is huge, so I guess that'll take a while.

I'll be really happy if it all follows this timescale though....more of the same please Lionhead.

Posted by Black Mantis
So if what you're saying is true, we'll see this on the 360 Xmas 2010 or early 2011?
Posted by Little Moth
Well, that sounds good to me, add the Bioshock 2 info today and I'm getting really excited. Bioshock 3 will also probably come out in late 2011 so probably around when Fable III comes out.
Posted by Dajmin
Wasn't Wossy in Fable 2 as well? I was sure it was him playing some sort of pink dress wearing bald transvestite dude. Maybe I was wrong.
Posted by wiikii007

Well done mate.
Posted by KMakawa
Posted by Black Mantis
So if what you're saying is true, we'll see this on the 360 Xmas 2010 or early 2011?
Middle of 2010.
Posted by BeauBeau
Yeah, I remember hearing Ross in Halo 3.

Charlie Brooker is an absolute star, and a great friend to the gaming fraternity. He's also the funniest and most incisive journo in Britain (neither of which is necesarily that difficult). His column in the Guardian is pretty much the only thing that gets me through Mondays.
Posted by lonewolf2002
Just take your time with this one and don't release it before you have ironed out the game busting bugs. The glitches of wife disappearing etc I can handle but to completely bork your game is another matter.

Seriously the other RPG's released on the 360 have been glitchy/had performence issues but at least they have not had a game stopping bug. Otherwise good news indeed. 8)
Posted by headspin
it is truth, works in one of the bars or is a frequenter, forget which one, i heard about it when the game came out and checked it out and sure enough it is his voice...
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