ON The Insider: Robin Williams Health Update

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  1. The Sims 3 Preview

    Get a step-by-step breakdown of what's new in this highly anticipated game, and take a sneak peek at the new life-goals system as well.

  2. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

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  3. Behind the Games: Yoshinori Ono

    Street Fighter IV Producer Yoshinori Ono tells us about how he got into the industry, his love for Space Invaders, and more!

  4. Command & Conquer: RA3 Uprising Q&A

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  5. Star Ocean: The Last Hope Review

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  • Resident Evil 5 Launch Center

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    Chris Redfield returns to put down another biohazard. Check out our Resident Evil 5 Launch Center for the latest news, previews, videos, and more!

The GameSpot Poll:

So what did you think of the movie Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li?

see results
1 I refuse to ever see it, lest it taint my memories of the magnum opus of cinema that was the 1994 Street Fighter. Vote
2 Wait, that came out last weekend? Vote
3 Hated it! Another game franchise sullied by Hollywood's clueless, money-grubbing hands. Vote
4 Loved it! Kristin Kreuk deserves an Oscar! Vote

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