A script to notify users about tickets using desktop post-it's


The trac.noty scripts were written by me (after a suggestion made by Alex Miranda, a co-worker) to make sure every single person in the office wouldn't never forget about their open tickets. If you don't like them poping up in your screen, then close them all... in row.

You can get a list of each user's active tickets then pop-up them all in their respective desktop screens (they'll need knotes, from KDE). It's quite usefull in a LAN and supports both RSS and CSV report formats (new parsers are very easy to create).

It comes with a SSH keys configurator too, in case you don't know how to setup this by hand.

Command line (value in minutes to sleep between fetching and displaying; default is 30)

./trac.noty 60


Both users options and trac.noty configuration are ':' separated files...

Sample syntax for noty.conf:

     # trac stuff and ^spaces

# authentication user

auth_pass=noty # user password and yes, you can comment in here

Sample syntax for noty.users.conf:

  # sample syntax for trac.noty configuration (separated by ':')
 # <trac user>:<remote user>:<address>:<port>:<enabled>
# cbegotti:caio1982:caio.ueberalles.net:2020:yes

jonas:  jonas:             10.1.1.x:22:   yes
alex:alex:10.1.1.x:2020:no # we need to activate this user


Checkout my personal SVN repository by running:

svn co http://caio.ueberalles.net/svn/trac/trac.noty


Author: Caio Begotti (caio1982)