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Top 11 Spies

Top 11 Spies

The list you're about to read presents a bit of a paradox - if you're well-known enough in the intelligence community to score a spot on a list of Top 11 Spies, you're probably too well known to be a spy at all. Given that the primary responsibility of an agent is to evade detection by any means, having a public persona at al pretty much means your cover is blown all to hell. It can get very, very difficult to disguise yourself when thousands of people are reading about you on the Internet. Excuse us for jeopardizing not only the future of your mission but also your life, but we just had to give you the props that you deserve. So please enjoy the classified dossiers that follow, as we delve through TV, movies, video games and comics to compile our list of Top 11 Spies.


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