News, Reviews & Commentary on Gay and Bisexual Men in Entertainment and the Media

Announcing's Hot 100 for 2008!

We’ve finished tabulating the ballots, double-checking our math and pondering the meaning of the results of the 2nd Annual Hot 100 list. All that’s left to do now is reveal the list itself and announce who came out on top.

And – drumroll, please! – the winner is…

Actually, since we don’t want to ruin the fun of counting down to number one, we’ll get to that a bit later. (But if you were the sort of kid who always ferreted out his Christmas presents before Santa “officially” delivered them, you can just go here to see who came out on top, then work your way backward.)

As a reward for those of you who don’t cheat and skip ahead, here are exclusive comments some of this year’s winners gave upon learning they’d made the list.

“I’m thrilled with the results. Who wouldn’t want to come in behind Jake Gyllenhaal?” — John Barrowman, Torchwood

“I understand I'm underneath John Barrowman, which seems to happen quite a lot. Maybe, next year, Ianto can be on top." —Gareth David-Lloyd, Torchwood

“Here's hoping that the men above me (pun sort of unintentional) age rapidly in the next twelve months." Neil Patrick Harris, How I Met Your Mother

“As a German – wow! I definitely have been lucky that so far there have been no scenes where one could see my incredibly hairy legs. Anyway, I’m really proud that I made it on your list. Thanks a lot!” Jo Weil, Verbotene Liebe (Forbidden Love)

“Wait a second… I don’t even have abs! Thank you, AfterEltoners. I’m very flattered.” —T.R. Knight, Grey's Anatomy

“Look out, Barrowman! I’m coming for you! Cheyenne Jackson, Xanadu

“I'm thrilled that so many people have responded so well to Luke and Noah's story. Thank you! I'm thrilled to be a part of your list." Van Hansis, As the World Turns

“I'm speechless ... people must have been really searching for me to make it on there. No, it's great that the fans have been so supportive. Hotness, whatever - It's great to be on any list!" Jake Silbermann, As the World Turns

As was the case last year, actors dominated the Hot 100 taking 87 spots. But not just any actors, mind you: fully 63% of those making the list are either gay themselves or have played gay before. Clearly, we like those men who like us. Well, at least platonically anyway.

After actors, the next biggest group of hotties consisted of singers (6), followed by a three-way tie between journalists, models and athletes, each providing two names for our list. And just like last year, Tom Ford had the “fashion designer” category all to himself.

As for nationalities, after the United States, the United Kingdom provided the most men with Scotland, England and Wales all represented. Canada filled the next most slots followed by Germany, Mexico, Ireland, Brazil, and Belgium.

The biggest change from last year is how many out gay men finished in the top ten. In 2007, just two did so, T.R. Knight at #8 and John Barrowman at #10. This time around gay men took four of the top ten spots, but more significantly, they took four of the top five spots. We think that says something significant about a whole range of things, including the fact that with each passing year, not only are there more out gay men from which to choose, but that the profile of those who are out is higher than ever before.

For example, in the United Kingdom, John Barrowman is nearly as ubiquitous as are images of the Queen, while in the United States, Neil Patrick Harris pops up constantly these days, whether on his own hit sitcom, at the box office, or on talk and game shows.

But it also seems to us that there is an element of, well, since it is June, let’s call it “gay pride” at work here. Not only do we value these out gay men for their hotness, but for their gutsiness and willingness to stand-up and be counted when so many others still can’t or won’t. (As with last year’s list, the Hot 100 includes a number of men thought to be gay, but who as of yet, have not come out publicly.)

Overall, the number of out gay men on this year’s list rose from fifteen to eighteen (their names appear with an asterisk next to them), but six of those eighteen were not on the list last year. Included among this year’s gay debutees are Brothers & Sisters Luke MacFarlane, who came out publicly just this past April, British actor Russell Tovey and singer Rufus Wainwright. And fully a third of those making this year’s list (gay and straight) are brand new, indicating a fairly healthy level of turn-over.

One disappointing aspect to this year’s list was a 50% drop in the men of color who made the Hot 100 — nine in all. Only three African-American men made the list and of them, only Darryl Stephens is gay. Additionally, no Asian men landed in the top 100 this year. What accounts for the drop? Men of color certainly didn’t become suddenly less sexy. Nor do we think our readers suddenly became less tolerant.

Darryl Stephens, Rockmond Dunbar

We suspect it’s a combination of factors. Even in 2008, Hollywood is still a shockingly white place. Given how many of those on our list are actors, and how many of those actors have played gay, it’s not then entirely surprising minorities are underrepresented. There simply aren’t as many actors of color who are either out or have played gay. And even when minority actors do play gay, since gay movies don’t get nearly as much attention as do “straight” ones, folks are less likely to have heard of them. Case in point is Maurice Jamal’s Dirty Laundry starring Rockmond Dunbar. Had the movie received a wider release and more attention last year, we suspect Dunbar would have made the list.

That being said, the current U.S. presidential campaign has clearly demonstrated that racism (as well as sexism and homophobia) are hardly things of the past. No doubt some amount of racism is at play here as well.

We know what you’re thinking — enough already with the patented analysis. Show us the damned list already! So without further ado, we present to you the 2008 Hot 100 list. The men are presented in descending order according to your votes (note, any ties were settled by random draw). No doubt you’ll have plenty to say so be sure to share your thoughts in the comments! And when you’ve finished here, be sure to check out’s (our sister site) own Hot 100 list for the ladies!

Michael Jensen, Dennis Ayers, Brian Juergens, and Brent Hartinger all contributed to the Hot 100.

100. Jared Leto

Rank last year: N/A


99. James Franco

Rank last year: N/A


98. Hayden Christensen

Rank last year: N/A


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