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Whether you're looking for help with general questions about your registered account or want specific information about how things work on our site, this is the place to get your technical and customer service questions answered.

As a first step, be sure to check the frequently asked questions listed to the right. If those don't address your question, look below for additional resources. While we do make every attempt to immediately answer common questions within the Help Center, the Knowledgebase link below also makes it possible to report a problem directly to our customer service representatives.

Top Questions

How do I add/change the icon on my profile?

When logged into your profile, click on the button "Edit Profile". Click on the "Profile" tab above, then scroll down to "Select an Icon Set". There you have a list of the current icons available to choose from.

I just joined the site, and it won't let me submit information because I am not level 2. What does this mean?

All registered users on the site have a level attached to them. Levels are a fun and fair way to reward and identify prominent community members. All users start at level 1 and must reach level 2 to gain the ability to submit content to the site.

How do I add a show?

You should use this form for new show submissions. Note that new shows do not appear immediately and must be added by staff. Also note that we add only those shows that we deem to be of general interest to our user base. Shows that are determined to be of general interest will have top priority in being added.

How do I delete a show?

You should use this form to request the deletion of a show.

What HTML formatting is allowed?

The following HTML tags are allowed: < b >, < strong >, < em >, < i >, < br >, and < p >. You can learn more about HTML here.

Can I use a different email address but still keep the same profile name?

Yes, to change the email address associated with your user account click the "Account" tab on your profile preferences (located under both "Edit My Profile" and "Preferences" when you are on your profile page). Simply type in the updated email address and hit "Save Changes". You will then receive a confirmation email with a link to authorize this change. Once you click on the link and confirm that the new address listed is correct you are all set!

Additional Support

Many questions may be answered with this searchable help system. This is also the main method to contact us if you don't find the solution to your problem.

Haven't found the answer to your question or problem? Look in this forum devoted to answering questions about the web site.

All CNET services, including, are covered by these standards of conduct and policies.

Your profile is now integrated across all three of CNET's G&E; sites! This means that items like your personal blog and icons are viewed the same on as they are on and Your PM mailbox also communicates across all three sites.

You can become the editor of guides on! Become the highest contributor to any one show or person guide and you will automatically become the editor (for shows you will need at least 80 contributor points and at least 40 for people guides). Points are calculated nightly, so it can take up to 24 hours for you to become an editor once you have enough approved submissions.